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So I have a task from my University and need some help with it... If someone has some free time I will be really grateful! We can, of course, communicate trough skype or discord. The tasks are: Eng...
So I want to show a textdraw with Promoted to player who is promoted.. How I can do it? And show his lvl of admin too. Thanks. pawn Код: YCMD:makeadmin(playerid,params[],help){    if(PlayerInfo...
CMD all the time shows :"You need to login first before using any command." It is set to 1.... Under spawn, login dialog pawn Код: new Logged[ MAX_PLAYERS ];YCMD:giverespect(playerid, params[],hel...
gettime or unixstamp
I understand that.. Even if I set query on 1000 same error.
Just use Whirpool it's is one of the best.. ****** it.
I have a problem.. So maybe some one can help me with using strcat to seperate it.. Because input line is to long! ERRORS: pawn Код: error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)error 017: ...
Timers ain't a good thing so yeah thats why I'm looking for a possible thought UNIXTIME STAMP OR GETTIME!
So I want to save played time on mysql how it is possible to save it with gettime function. All I want to do is basically every one h give an respect point and saving current time on playing. With ...
So basically how I could loop the phone number so the players didn't have the same id or phone numbers?
I wanted to know how to loop trough a offline and online players? So they didn't have the same mask and the same phone number.. How it's possible in y_ini system?
Okay thanks got it how to optimize basically half of the code is not used and unnecessary saved.
Hello I have problem with this line could some one teach me how to use strcat on big mysql lines... With best regards Scrillex. pawn Код: error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated stri...