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Okay so you don't mind if just if i bought that ded to use it in offshored......... Stuff ? Not porn so
Quote: Originally Posted by Tamer T Seems like a cool offer,tho people may feel kinda unsafe since you can see all their files etc. the only thing people to be afraid of that he drop th...
There are millions of such a servers lol ?
Okay i am not at home but pm me your skype and will add you when i go back home
Well I can say it's not that bad good good When i saw it at the first i though it was all made from scratch from objects exterior and interior, But I guess you are better in scripting than mapping Re...
You will face a problem since alot of people "Owners" actually have a dynamic Ip which means every restart to the router the ip will change so this will totally fail.
Uhm That really sucks OMG Dude why the hell did you post such a thing here
Quote: This is only valid until April 10, 2013 at midnight GMT. If you want your name changed, NOW is the time to post. ALL requests after this date WILL BE IGNORED. Admins pleas...
Quote: Originally Posted by RobinOwnz Why didn't you change my name while you did change all other names lol First you must have patients second do you meet the limits? if yes did you m...
Fuck it another ZGaming edit how many are they now ? over the 50 ?
Well I am okay with your suggestion but look every one deserve to play samp adults and kids All the GTA Series is being played by mostly Kids . So What I guess Kye can do is to make only good high pla...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jamixd1 umm well i can help you get alot of players your script just have to be good add me on skype:emilio_1871 lets talk okay listen up mate if you believe...
You won't mind if i edited it ? And re released it right ?
Quote: Originally Posted by [DOG]irinel1996 Macros (defines) don't store anything, they're like a "mask". Best way to do that (I think): pawn Код: #define SERVER_VERSION         Â...
I guess staff won't accept to change it so, Just ask them if you can make a new account.