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that's because you put ID 0 sir! i believe if you change the 0 before 50 to INVALID_PLAYER_ID (or -1) it shall work!
Sir you can't expect someone to write or edit a whole system for you, you could just edit what you've got and change every instance of gate to door but I can't tell you if it would work. (:
Sir maybe try: Код: if((time[0] >= 21 && time[0] <= 24) || (time[0] >= 0 && time[0] <= 8)) (:
Sir you mean like this? Код: new fileLocation[10], returnID; for(new i; i < YOURMAXHOUSES; i++) format(fileLocation, sizeof fileLocation, "%i.txt", i) { if(!fexists(fileLocation)) { re...
sirs i try but i suck at scripting and op said it no work but plz u can fix if u try edit?
Anyone see where the problem is, need a second set of eyes on this pawn Код: if(playerData[playerid][pAccent] == 1 && playerData[playerid][pChat] == 1){            format(szMessage,...
If the plugin is correct I sometimes found that this was a problem with not having a few DLL files in your folder. The way I fixed it was add the following files to your root folder: And ofc make s...
Did you resolve this mate? Make sure you use auto increment on the "entranceDBID" row. I would send you the table if I still had it... I'm sure I put it in the script somewhere anyway :3 Edit: Yes I...
You should check if the input is null too.
pawn Код: for(new i = 1; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) if(!IsVehicleOccupied(i)) SetVehicleToRespawn(i); pawn Код: stock IsVehicleOccupied(iVehicleID, iSeatID = 0) {    foreach(Player, i) if(Get...
... Change pawn Код: INI_Open(Path(targetname)) to 'filestring', so; pawn Код: INI_Open(filestring);
pawn Код: new INI:file = INI_Open(Path(playerid)); You're banning yourself... Change 'Path(playerid)' to 'filestring'.
Quote: Originally Posted by OpticKiller This dont work it comes up as a error on it can you fix it?? Код: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `repairpoints` ( `repairpointID` int(10) NOT NUL...
You did check if killerid was invalid? Otherwise it's obviously going to be out of bounds.
Quote: Originally Posted by benjaminjones Can you make it for money? Like when you use cmd to repair vehicle you should pay 300 dollars? It already has that, that's what the "fee" is, y...
Quote: Originally Posted by McFellow nice! Quote: Originally Posted by Goldenfox Awesome, that's because I have seen it. Quote: Originally Posted by ahmad95 ...
Dynamic Repair Point System This is a simple repair point system I created that allows RCON admins to create/delete/goto repair points in game and players to repair vehicles for a specified fee, it r...
Check for infinite loops, you may have one on a loading function. Also try re-compiling the script and starting the server again - sometimes I have to compile a script twice as it doesn't work right a...
You don't need apostrophes/single-quotes on floats, you only need them on strings. > '