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Are you looking for scripting services? Contact me via PM or Discord: Cipher#7353
Scripting for cash, 100% TRUSTED
Services includes;
* Fixing/pinpointing bugs in the script.
* Adding small featur...
Originally Posted by xbp13x
I looked up the error and found some other posts saying it is either something that is over the limit (object/vehicle/pickup etc.) so you would need to u...
Warning(s003d): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x37F2980
ANy idea?
Does anyone know what does this crash address means? It is not listed in the original thread and every players in my server receives this crash error.
SA-MP 0.3.DL-R1
Exception At Address: 0x...
PHP Code:
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(TruckTrailer); i++){    if(!IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle(i))    {        SetVehicleToRespawn(i);    }}Â
Not tested but I am 99...
So I was trying to create a Also-Known-As system using MySQL, I am not quite sure if I should use a threaded or non-threaded query on this especially I am using them both for commands and OnPlayerConn...
So I just came back recently and I wanted to try those things that I have missed out through the years due to the limitations of the PC that I had been using for scripting let's just say "for a while"...
Just asking but errr... I guess it is okay then?
Not quite sure if I did it right, I am quite new in terms of mySQL so please excuse me.
Did I do it right?
PHP код:
mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `REGISTRATION` FROMÂ...
Is it possible to store MySQL's NOW() Date & Time function to a variable?
PHP код:
mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `accounts` (`NAME`, `REGISTRATION`, `IP`,Â...
Never mind, I got it working. Norton AV is interfering with the required .dlls
Hi, I have just recently moved to Windows 10 and I cannot seem to get mySQL working. I have the required Microsoft Redistribute Package (2010, 2012, 2015) but its still not running.
Any ideas?
You can sync the animation by setting the forcesync on ApplyAnimation to true (1), Animations made by the game itself like the door closing and etc can't be forced as far as I know
What do you want to do exactly? OnPlayerStreamIn is only called when a player streams on another player's screen (range, client-side)
Alright, I have created a gang-shape zone for safe zone (Circumferences Type), a gang-shape zone for radiation (empty circle type) and a safe zone (Dyanmic Circle created by Streamer to detect if play...
Is there any possible way to detect if the player is outside those zones or detecting them if they are inside those?
I did like to use this but I am having problems figuring it out on how to use it besides the example given on the thread itself, any heads up or clues?
Not that I know of, But I do think it has something to do with the unoptimized way of reading data like this for example.
PHP код:
public OnUserPlayerLogin(playerid, password[]){    new...
Originally Posted by Akira297
I remember when your admin scripts started becoming a huge thing.
Not so huge anymore lmao, Decided to delete JakAdmin4
I'm honestly clueless where the problem is coming from, Should I use db_debug_openresults?