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An important client update (SA-MP 0.3.7-R4) is now available on the Download Page. > There is an exploit in the menu system. A malicious server operator could craft a custom packet which leads to ...
My purpose posting in this thread is to make everyone aware that SA-MP development is coming to a close. I never asked for a debate over DL. I've been pretty clear that I have no intention of adding ...
sa-mp is a strange mod. although most players are not native english speakers, there actually hasn't been a huge demand for translated versions of the software. what does that tell you? well, players...
In the first round of discussions, they were saying they preferred DL. Then I gave them an up or down choice, without considering my position, and like I said, they erred on the side of caution. >...
Quote: Originally Posted by IllidanS4 If there is a SA-MP server community that doesn't want model downloading, why didn't they rally themselves and come here to state their opinion? Be...
many of the ls-rp posters were just disrespectful. the forum moderators had to clean up their shit. you can't see all the deleted posts. they were just trolling us.
There's not really a single sa-mp community, it's a collection of servers with their own communities. the ls-rp people showed up after this thread was linked from their main website. I doubt many of ...
I actually abandoned DL nearly 2 years ago. It was ls-rp and rc-rp's call to stick with it, not mine. I did say the two versions would eventually be merged, but gave no time horizon. I said it would ...
moar update. moar scripp. moar pawno. moar skinn. it'll never be enough for some people. seriously, why, after such a long run, would I include some feature which dramatically changes the game and p...
I probably will give out the source eventually. I just can't say when. There are no secret versions of sa-mp on my drive. I think it's better for people to use stuff than it gathering dust. some peo...
Quote: Originally Posted by Ronnie2K The only logical thing I and others can probably agree on, if he doesn't want to work on it no more so much why not just make it open source...the poss...
We've decided to not include the 0.3DL downloading feature in 0.3.9. If you have a server on 0.3DL and you want to come back to the main branch, you could contact me about possible inclusion of skins...
Quote: Originally Posted by n0minal Who are the biggest SAMP server owners that the feedback matters to you? Some of them are getting together to send me a combined recommendation for 0...
Quote: Originally Posted by Rhymed32 please increase the number of slots to 1500-2000 Who actually needs that?
Quote: Originally Posted by bluur @Kalcor, have you looked up on foreign languages projects anytime? I'm developing and owning the biggest polish RolePlay project LS-STORIES.PL on SA-MP (a...
Quote: Originally Posted by kennydalglish Can you explain why LS-RP nymphs are for you? In the Russian community there are servers with the largest online nymphs, lol. The simple reason...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalen Things change overtime. Why don't you move over to discord? Is there any reason for that? Would you be happy if sa-mp decided to run all the sa-mp serv...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mmartin You did not lose ls-rp, kye. You dropped ls-rp. You removed us all from the beta group because I haven’t noticed your thread in the beta section after...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mmartin You did not lose ls-rp, kye. You dropped ls-rp. You removed us all from the beta group because I haven’t noticed your thread in the beta section after...
I've read the other posts here, but don't have a response at this point. Someone informed me that their server uses CreateMenu and they're not in a position to update their script. So, CreateMenu is ...