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Haven't really played seriously since 2013. I don't know why I still come on here. There's not even anything interesting to see. Well, SA-MP was a big part of my life for a long time, I guess it's why...
Quote: Originally Posted by Bolex_ Good to know. It's good to know that you think it's good to know.
Quote: Originally Posted by Thorn33 Really nice script, just dont like how it isn't sqled. I feel the same way.
I don't play anymore but welcome back. I used y_ini in my first role play script from scratch.
The English side of SA-MP is quite dead compared to before, yes.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dignity Regardless of what people tell you, it's not a good idea to turn off v-sync even if it fixes spikes. In most cases, it's not the cause of spikes. All i...
v-sync to off, graphics quality to low and framelimiter off
Update: I have started landscaping but I don't want to show it off quite yet. (I'll do it when I've done more on it). Today I was going to further script the third and person mode but I decided to mod...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder So basically it's Runescape but in Unity...? No, not at all. I haven't really explained the game concept in depth but I'm working on getting a core f...
Gathered two companions to help me so far. I will continue writing on the actual game concept at a later stage, for now we're making the core of the game.
Not sure if I am allowed to post this here, but I'll do it anyway. Basically I have plans for creating a game using the game engine Unity. I will stand for audio design, music production, programming...
CS:GO, GTA V, Fallout 4 and others singleplayer games. I played SA-MP for 8/9 years... you get bored after a while and I don't see myself ever coming back. I had an extremely enjoyable time when I was...
Quote: Originally Posted by Inuro There is no commandes like /addv (dyanmic vehicle) You buy vehicles from the dealership. It's a menu. By the way, here's the full package guys... I ca...
Quote: Originally Posted by Saurik I am assuming you're 12 years old so you have no credit cards or a bank account and hence cant get paypal. Why are you assuming he's 12 years old?
CS 1.6 CS GO Red Orchestra 2 Rust BF3 that's literally all the games I've bought on steam and origin