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Name : Carl Johnson Age : Sixty Nine and a half Country: Square Dancing? Why Do You want this Gameserver: I dunno Can you speak English : Using ****** Translator What Will I get : A TriGillion Dollars...
The work of this project is not finished thus labeled "Upcoming Release", don't rush this guy to a release otherwise you're just likely to return requesting for this or that bug to be fixed, patience ...
AutoMessages[9][50]= 9 Lines, 50 letters (Or change 50 to fit longest message as I didn't count, just estimated) EDIT: This would only display one random sentence though, why randomize it?
IsVehicleRC must be declared somewhere, try another search and make sure its spelled correctly etc. If you still can't locate it, maybe try searching any new includes or other scripts for it? Once f...
It's only possible to detect certain game keys and not actual keys such as the "R" key... But start learning about how this is all done here:
Код: --> format(string, sizeof(string), "New Dimension Says: %s", AutoMessages[random(sizeof(AutoMessages[]))]); All that was changed here was the [] after AutoMessages, this defines which ar...
Код: public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) { new color1, color2; if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { GetVehicleColor(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),color1,color2);// Sh...
Although I'm not positive of this, I believe X is Left/Right and Y is Up/Down and then Z would be the Height. You can just try adjusting the Y only (Add or Subtract to it) and then check which way it ...
Код: // Declaring SirenObject1,2,3,etc. (Top of Script somewhere) static SirenObject1[2000]; // change 2000 to the number of vehicles in your server though static SirenObject2[2000]; static Siren...
It sounds like you are asking someone to script this for you which in that case, good luck. However, this is possible but also very complex to do. It will require alot of math and calculations as well...
Well it does look nice anyway, but don't quite understand what it does exactly. I'm guessing something that'll just connect players to your server with a new interface instead of using the normal SA-M...
Have you tried deleting the Set_User_Data file or whatever in your GTA Documents folder? (If you have nothing of real interest in there, just delete the entire folder) UPDATE: My Documents\GTA San An...
Are you looking for a Army RP of some sort, something like those COD servers but with more RP involved maybe? If so, I don't know of any such servers, but did start a gamemode like this which was just...
My apologizies, I had always thought Fallout was something about zombies after a nuclear wipe or something to that effect, I haven't actually played the game though... Or maybe I'm just mixing it up w...
If you mean something like Zombie RP, then I'll recommend: Zombie Outbreak RP (Not sure if it's still around or not though) http://www.********.com/pages/Zombie...26337360762258 (******d)
Well that's just interesting... (I assume you meant finishes the race early at the 4th,5th or 6th CP) In that case, try lowering the total checkpoints instead of raising if you haven't already... You...
Why not just give it a quick test? Set a zone or whatever and see where the limits are... If they aren't what you expected, then just switch around the x's & y's until its right I personally bel...
Nice catch sniperwars Anyway, this is the Wiki Page for the function should you encounter any more trouble with it: