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Quote: Originally Posted by System64 Kyosaur - ... Pghpunkid - Removed Slice - wtf?
What a fail on advertising your server. You just got many haters.
Quote: Originally Posted by Max_Coldheart Like she said, imagination, life is your creation. Nice trolling bro OT: To me it looks like its all finished and doesnt need anything else? ...
Thank you Mrkrabz so much, ive got it back via submitting a support ticket Freaking love you!
Quote: Originally Posted by saiberfun probably it's better to do both right?^^ Point is, its not my mail and i contacted the guy and his pc is on repair so now lets see what will be fir...
Quote: Originally Posted by Hal See if they have a phone number, and call them. You have a better and faster chance of getting it fixed if you call them. Call steam or the guy with the ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mrkrabz Go to the steam support forum, and tell them you can prove the orders if it was by paypal/credit card. And you may just have a chance of getting the acc...
Hello people. In 2010 i bought a steam account and i had Modern Warefare 2 on it, i was buying alot of games and spent over 300$ on them and everything is on my steam account. And like 1 day ago i re...
your missing a "}" somewhere, check it. EDIT: Check the latest function/command you made and there should be one or more missing.
Can you give me the code of your /admins please?
Quote: Originally Posted by Kingunit Probably a missing ';' it's something like this: pawn Код: Print("Hi bro")// That's wrong.Print("Hi bro");// That's correct. "Print" is written...
Make sure its like this: (_You HAVE TO fill it out first) pawn Код: CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid ...
Nothing helps, fucked up problem, searching for a driver for it now? Someone help me, not easy to find one...