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Originally Posted by Konstantinos
The only problem is that you had an item in enumerator called "EditObject" but a native function with that name was added so I've renamed it to be ...
I agree that it has several disadvantages, but again, that's what I've created at the time. I didn't care about the form although it is important. I've posted it here so anyone can use any part of it ...
Yeah dude. Even I don't know. I was probably testing something that I forgot, and the functions remained, lol.
First of all, I never called myself a "program", but a programmer. It does not indicate anything about my programming skills as you completely falsely assume. It was just my style for some reason, per...
Yes, that kind of stuff is also included there. Some functions really have no function. Others very limited.
I would also like to add that some functions are not 100% mine, sometimes I was inspired...
Pastebin link now in the original post. Enjoy.
Thanks for your reply. I know it's almost unreadable, but understand it's all I have. This was my style. You're free to dislike it, but that's about it. I know the reality of it. I know it's messy. B...
Here we go, guys! The first EVER map editor with the ability to save moving objects is finally being released. Approximately 5 or 6 years after it's been created and kept hidden from the public eye, l...
once in the past, being an avid SAMP player and programmer, I've asked myself: "Why not create my very own gamemode?" I've had most of the necessary programming skills and experience, so I beg...
Hello guys,
I haven't visited this forum or SA-MP gameplay for years now, and now I think it's time to finally release some things I've been working on, and am rightfully proud of. The reason for sha...
Originally Posted by Mark_Samp
Very good dude!
That will make it more easier
Keep it up
Thanks I also planned to release something else, which is very special (and secret now)...
Hey guys! Haven't been here for a long time since I don't pawn anymore, I am just helping my friend with something, and I got this idea.
How does it work:
This FS is controlled through RCON commands...
This function might help you.
pawn Код:
stock Float:GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:PointX, Float:PointY, Float:PointZ) return floatsqroot(floatadd(floatpower(floatsub(X...
Originally Posted by -Luis
What about just kicking / banning the annoying person..?
Yeah, but it is just a tutorial, I did it because I have heard many people asking for it.
Originally Posted by SmithyComp
How could this be used in a positive way?
To crash annoying players, for example
Hello, may people are searching for a reliable way of crashing player's client.
Here is the very simple function.
pawn Code:
stock CrashClient(playerid){if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return false...
One very important thing to realise, that strcmp also returns 0 if one of the strings has zero length! Not realizing this may cause (and have caused) many problems in scripts!
new timeban[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0;
Why put "= 0" there? The variable has just been created, so it is automatically 0, learn this. Remove it and it should work. You can not change all arrays of one...
Try this.
pawn Код:
#define GetPos(%1,%2,%3,%4) new Float:%2, Float:%3, Float:%4; GetPlayerPos(%1, %2, %3, %4);