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well i use a function to call a callback and that make the callback gets called on the gamemode and on the include. Any ideas to limit this to gamemode only?
sim, caso uses um script sacado da net pode haver codigos escondidos que sendo usados podem dar a pass da rcon a quem os usa. procura origens no script de como ser banido por console ban, procura por...
consola pode ter sido invadida e o jovem em questao pode ter usado keybinds para banir tudo com uma so tecla.
thanks for the site didn't know it, well i just searched and didn't find nothing i have some images that are blank dont know if intended or not.
Hello good people of the samp forums can you help me out? I need a car key object, well some kind of key it is good enough for me, but i do not know any model id soo i am asking here. Already searched...
you can make a mode for it, but i currently don't know anyone with that feature.
open the samp with admin opition other question a little related you can print?
rockstar could stop being a bitch a do what besheda does with the elderscrolls series, suport the mods, they even give mod kits to the modders.
Quote: Originally Posted by maddinat0r I can't say if it's a bug or not if you don't provide any useful information and debug log output. You could try printing the badly saved variables v...
Quote: Originally Posted by caoraivoso3 well i have a bug to report, i use r39-2 and sometimes some weird shit goes like i crash(it is my client or intended by me to do it) and some variab...
what? dude i do not save the datetime on mysql. i am just saying that things are saved badly and if that continues i cannot use this plugin because i need to have some reliable save system.
well i have a bug to report, i use r39-2 and sometimes some weird shit goes like i crash(it is my client or intended by me to do it) and some variables are saved badly and i say badly because i am on ...
more than one room to play with or some other thing to do bedsides that because when we day we don't want to spec the other peoples games but we can if we want to. Another thing is the variarity of th...
Quote: Originally Posted by ATGOggy What?? It's dini_Int not dini_IntSet because dini_IntSet is used to write and dini_Int is used to read. sorry. then the thing is actually saved to b...
you dont put a functions inside a callback, the cmd is a function you should put it outside.
dini_IntSet and not dini_int look into this link it was the dini funcs there.
well i really dont know what it is but i will post some tips to get the problem: well for loooking at your code i see a plugin functions Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 2229.4968,-1722.0701,13.5625); soo ...
dude try looking into the wiki to know the functions don't try to memorize the functions just try to use them, and start by doing a script of creating a car by using a command, by yourself if you have...
that's can be two things: first you dont have permissions on mydocuments or second you have a cleo mod that change the gpci serial the first one you just need to give permissions the second one you ne...