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@ATomas Works like a charm! Thanks, mate. +rep
Hi. I created a custom TXD overlay and then made a textdraw with it. It works as long as I have it in my root models/txd folder, but when I download it from the server (deleted from models/txd), it do...
Playing since some Latvian servers popped out in early SA-MP days.
Quote: Originally Posted by ReVo_ This check if a "_" is in the name PHP код:        <?             $name = "HelloWorld";             $pos  = ...
Hello. I know that this section is meant to problems with SA-MP but actually this is related to SA-MP. : D There are dozens of smart people who can help me, I know it. Alright. I need a advice how t...
I found that player silhouette freezes after SetPlayerPos function. I don't know what really problem is in it.
I don't think that the problem is in commands. And I checked virtual word + setted virtuals ingame, and nothing changed.
Hello again. I found little problem that I see such a player and he doesn't see me. All the time a player stands freezed, but says that he is walking. It doesn't have anything to do with the virtual w...
Fixed. I removed DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); from default public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) callback. Thanks for your solutions anyway. Rep from me. ^.^
I searched for it, it's not implanted. Код: DestroyDynamicCP.
Hello. I have a little problem with Dynamic Checkpoints (Incignoto plugin). When I enter in the DynamicCP, it disappears. I need to make that checkpoint doesn't disappear. Any solutions?
Hello everyone! I wanted to publish my latest work - courtroom. This interior very simple and useful for Roleplay servers. It took about 30 minutes to create this. Enjoy and type feedback. - Video [...
Quote: Originally Posted by [M.A]Angel[M.A] Nice ! , i was waiting for 1 year to see this script!!!! ________________ Ahahah. Can't stop laughing when I read this. You're best trollman ...
LOL. Who will use this if you can make it in 5 minutes?
Quote: Originally Posted by MP2 You don't know what you're talking about. You can use CreatePickup() at any time. He talkin' about AF-RP gamemode. This gamemode creates pickups only at ...
What the fu**? More information, please.
Try to restart gamemode. It creates pickup only at OnGameModeInit.