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Here it is Saving PHP код: stock SavePlayerAccount(playerid) {     new Float:Pos[4],TempWorld,TempInt,Float:tmpHP,Float:tmpArmour;     GetPlayerHealth(playerid,tmpHP);     GetPl...
Alright so the problem is really simple but Im not sure whats causing it since there are no errors or anything in SQL or such... Player A registers and everything is fine, now person B logs in and ge...
Ive been searching for this object ID for few hours now but cant find it. Its the one tree object that has 3 logs on it, the ones that the guy attaches on his truck
Quote: Originally Posted by AmigaBlizzard Make sure the message doesn't have any formatting specifiers when using SendClientMessage. See th...
I followed what you have posted about YSI but still warnings.. PHP код: pawno\include\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnPlayerClickPlayerTextD...
Alright so the problem is probably easy to detect but I dont see it. Its causing a server crash Quote: [01:32:21] [debug] AMX backtrace: [01:32:21] [debug] #0 native SendClientMessage () ...
The thing is, it works great on my localhost, but like when I upload it to my host it starts doing that.. Could it be something thats problem with them or such?
Alright so the problem is quite simple, when I restart the server, new logs are being created. Meaning that old file gets deleted and it starts creating a new one for some reason This is the code P...
Quote: Originally Posted by Prokill911 I don't get the issue then Because You're saying what I gave you works Same thing happends. PHP код: [21:38:52] [DEBUG] mysql_format - ...
The problem is quite simple, its not displaying the weapon name PHP код: new weapons[13][2], string[128],gunname[32];     for(new i = 0; i < 13; i++)     {         ...
I tried the system, it displays info correctly in the SQL log also... PHP код: [19:51:30] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 85, format: "SELECT `IP` FROM `ipbanned` WHEREÂ...
As I said above, its not working and yes I have it under OnPlayerConnect.
so can anyone let me know whats the problem with this Basically it doesnt work, if you ban someones IP it will still let them play normaly. The check doesnt work PHP код: new myIP[16];   Â...
NVM fixed, forgot to edit forward
Quote: Originally Posted by RoboN1X You have to declare more size as String is an array (you are making an array inside an array that get an array). I mean, Код: {-2796.9854, 1224.818...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack You use "%e" on "mysql_format", and "%q" on "format". Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Thank you!
Okay Im taking this code as an example of what I want to do. I want to create an array with that have "Location" in it also. So for example I could use PHP код: new Float:SomethingRandom[][4...