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connection cookie isn't the problem, this simply means your client is attempting a connection. The problem is likely GM issue. Does the game server stay online?
Nobody is ever going to agree on everything, so how exactly do you expect this to be the greatest server with the greatest admins if no matter what in the world someone isn't going to like it.
Population of SA-MP is completely fine but the question is if you're English sided that population has decreased loads and I compare it to the times of 2007-2008 era. Most popular servers nowadays are...
Quote: Originally Posted by Holl The Gamemode starting in another computer or in VM/VPS no problem .. Problem is in my computer was running until yesterday .. all (windows) Yes and this...
People have been banned for stupider things in the past so I mean it's understandable that hes asking this question.
Are you sure those plugins are in the plugins folders as .dll?
So you're copying a name from a popular game and you're complaining about someone else using it?
Quote: Originally Posted by Michael B In my opinion the host should deal with this kind of situations, not the customer. It's good that you found a solution to avoid this though. If you...
Quote: Originally Posted by Ha$H_Sexyboy How do you claim it won't start with plugins,and the logs says that there's plugins loaded Actually it didn't load it's trying to load it. OT: M...
Do you have a keep alive script that might be running the program again and again?
It has nothing to do with windows 10 it's up to you and port forwarding on your router. Also remember to give them your public IP address.
Quote: Originally Posted by xVIP3Rx Actually I'm using a service to make my dynamic IP static, That's probably why.. I'll give it a try using my ip. Yes a proxy that's exactly why its h...
edit your server.cfg and bind your servers IP Address such as maxplayers 304 bind port 7777 and please start the server as ./samp03svr until you have successfully started it than use no...
Are you using a proxy for them to connect from?
why not just add these things to your GM instead?
Quote: Originally Posted by Derexi I've already tried a tutorial and it didn't work. Thanks for being so helpful It is not that complicated but the fact you don't know any of the basic...
Go read some tutorials this is for server support not teach you how to use Linux. You don't even no how to use the system and login as root, what you're doing is a horrible idea if your planning on us...
Good luck, I been through that path.
You're not going to get anywhere with a free host and most go down sooner or later.