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How would you put an image which redirects to a url?
I'm facing a similar problem with my checkpoint system. Waiting for a reply.
Please I need help. Can anybody guide me as to how to setup a server on VPS? I need full tutorial. Nobody has ever made a tutorial on this so step by step help would be appreciated. VPS SSD 3 OpenSt...
I'm trying to make a clan system with the following commands: 1) /createclan [tag] [name] 2) /invite 3) /kick 4) /members I want that when a player joins the clan, the tag of the clan which he joine...
Quote: Originally Posted by Debjit Wait, You are talking about InGame Objects(Mapping) or Textdraws(on Screen Texts/designs)? I'm talking about in-game objects. Map objects.
Quote: Originally Posted by Debjit You can use any object to write text on depending upon the shape and material. Just select any rectangular object and apply text on it using SetDynamicOb...
Hello, Long ago I scripted a welcome screen for my server with a black billboard-like object with text written on it. Does anyone know any black billboard object? Or by the least, any black object w...
Hello, 1) I'm trying to get my onrequestclass screen classes to look straight at the screen but the direction of their body is always looking away. Is there any body angle which I should set so they ...
Hello, Can someone tell me why the spawn button and the navigation buttons on requestclass are not appearing when registering an account? It goes fine if I login i.e. it allows me to choose the class...
Hello, I'm unable to understand MySQL hence I decided to give ini registration system a try. Right now, it's all a copy paste because I want to see if it works or not. This is the warning I'm gettin...
Hello. Thanks for replying. This is the code: @Elhannan C:\Users\Ahmed\Desktop\xw2\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn( 135) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_init_options" C:\...
Hello, I'm trying to try out Gammix's advance mysql registration system base. First I want to run it and then learn how it was made. However, I'm not able to compile it. These are the errors: C:\Us...
Quote: Originally Posted by Galletziz Post you definitions of your function for create zones. These are all the lines related to capture zones. Quote: //Capture Zones new ...
Hello, I have a team base for Australia (Desert Airport) whose colors are not appearing. Its supposed to be green. The capture zone (Big Ear) has green color instead of grey. Its a small but annoy...
Need 10 Userbars for a TDM server website. Colors will be told on PM Players will be rewarded with Community Offical Designer rank - our website is under construction so the link only be given to th...
Quote: Originally Posted by Bingo In tittle you said VPS and in post free host? Anyway, You need to upload to your free hosting company using FTP, FTP details maybe in your dashboard or i...
Quote: Originally Posted by iBanner You need an account first to be able to upload your server files from sa-mp hosting services. You need to register, then use your login details to acc...
Hello, I've finally completed my server and I'm thinking to use a free hosting company to host my server for now. Can somebody post steps on what to do? Am I supposed to upload my server files somew...
Hey guys, I'm using an audio stream for players which streams music on spawn. Its a filterscript. None of the links are working. I need something like this:
The problem is in line 13832 not in other lines. If possible can you try to fix it and paste the whole script here please.