Search Results
Problem: Banned by Rcon the Bot and now cant enter the server. The server isnt running now, How can I unban the rcon not from the server?
Hey I'm looking for Ban System and I tried to search one and didnt find, one easy to use comfortable recommended and on those includes : Or one of them lol ty to everyone. Код: #include <DOF2&g...
What's coming first in script? Can you set numbers for what come first and where to put each please CallBacks?[Where to put and his number?] Commands?[Where to put and his number?] Functions?[Where ...
What's this error? I just tried to compile one script was parted by couple parts how can I fix it? Код: d:\Users\User\Desktop\New Script V2\MyScript\gamemodes\MyScript.pwn(123408) : error 001: ex...
Код: CMD:respawngcars(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 3) return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "You are not authorized to use this command."); new string[1...
What does this error say? How can I fix it : Line: Код: for(new f = 0; f < MAX_FAMILY; f++) { SetVehicleToRespawn(gangvehicleid[x]); Specific Line : Код: SetVehicleToRespawn(g...
Failure Classical, It's house from NG:RP, dont try to copy from NGRP Script Mappings, Next time I'll report you, But anyway I'm giving you a chanse to remove.
Hey, I know everything but couple questions about ObjectMaterial please if you can answer: 1. How can I know the size of the text / edit it? 2. How can I know the color of the text / edit it? [Dont gi...
How can I change it to Non MySQL? Код: CMD:ipwhitelist(playerid, params[]) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4) { new string[128], query[256], giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], ip[16]; if...
Need TeamSpeak Hoster/Forums Creater For each I can give admin in my server, but I need them now: JonathanTope1 is my skype.
Server isnt starting, I re-comipled with the new streamer 1000 times Server Logs : Код: ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------...
Hey, Just I got this message in the Console : Код: [11:24:04] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0) does not match plugin version (0x26104) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest...
I want all the cars that enter any interior / park them wont gone, and if I enter with other guy to interior by vehicle he wont get stuck, how to use it for all the cars dude?
When I'm Parking / Entering a Custom Interior with any vehicle and there's a man inside when I'm Parking the car the car is gone and when I'm entering to custom interior with other person inside the c...
Hey, Like I want to do /loadtruck, but I dont want it would be only trucker job, I want it to be in securicar/enforcer that'snt belong to trucker job ?how to do that ? Like that line Код: if(veh...