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Hi. When I open the server I don't want to show me that beach, I want to use own InterpolateCamera. Where I have to put that code, when I put it under OnPlayerConnect it shows me the beach. +rep
Hello! This is my friend's account, he left sa-mp and he gave his account to me. Ok, my question is: - is there any way to save gang zones? For example: number #2 team entered in checkpoint and capt...
thanks. i didnt scripted since last year, i forgot 85%. +rep
pawn Код: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------new Textdraw0, Textdraw1, Textdraw2;//--------------------------------------------------------------------...
Hi. Today, I wanted to play some GTA San Andreas Multiplayer, so I played. My brother wanted to do a joke to me, and I don't know what he did, but my GTA doesn't work anymore. I re-installed GTA San A...
Don't have that in my Texdraw code. I created Textdraws with iPLEOMAX's Texdraw Editor. What's the proper TextDrawTextSize? I've tried with 5, 5, but lol, if I put, all my Textdraws aren't workin', a...
Hello! For example, I have five textdraws. TextDrawCreate, Selectable (............) show for player. Let's suppose those textdraws are green color. I use function to set player ability to select a t...
Quote: Originally Posted by Younes44 Good Job Brother.. +Rep Thanks!
Quote: Originally Posted by ARTFollow GREAT !!! What we are looking ! Quote: Originally Posted by Golimad 1 805 052 views and 5 007 for streamer plugin. Thanks for sharing...
Features: DYNAMIC BUYING VEHICLES - Simply buying vehicles from dealership, by typing: /buycar. DYNAMIC SELLING VEHICLES - Simply selling vehicles with command: /sell, you'll receive half from defaul...
References: SetPlayerCheckpoint; OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint; ShowPlayerDialog; OnDialogResponse; we're here to help you, not to script for you.
pawn Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) {    new string[128];    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s says: %s", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), text);    SendClientMessage(playerid, L_RED_...
Learn right now about how to create 2-rcon! - Settings: Create a script, open it; include your includes, then set your 2-rcon password by define it: pawn Код: #define rconpassword "changemetoyour...
Quote: Originally Posted by Abagail pawn Code: stock file_get_contents(filename[]) {         new string[100];      if(fexist(filename)) {           new File:file = fopen(fil...
Hello! I have a question, how can I read from a file. For example, in a file I have: pawn Code: Question = 12345 And, I want a function like: pawn Code: Read(filename[], text[] Something like: ...
Quote: Originally Posted by LazyBoyyyy no pic is even working Quote: Originally Posted by NGEN123 Pics? Lol, I posted one picture. Nobody can't see it? Try to press on '...
453 - Hello. Today, 14.03.2015, I created a Simple Map Editor. This it's not an huge and incredible filterscript, but you can finish your job w...
pawn Код: CMD:transfer(playerid, params[]){    new target, amount;    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], TargetName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); GetPlayerName(target,...