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To play it safe, I recommend you to upload all MP3s you want to play in your server on a regular basis on your own server.
Ehh.. What? This is impossible. What's happening? How do you know your IP is changing?
Quote: Originally Posted by DarkLored But origloc is a string which I have specified in the database to not be null, none of my other databases experience this issue other than this one. I...
I do highly recommend you to normalize your database, but it won't solve the problem.. Your column "origloc" doesn't have a default value, so it's NULL at this moment.
samp://URL:PORT For example your IP and port is and 7777 with a simple anchor tag: Код: <a href="samp://">Click me</a> Thumbs up!
Quote: Originally Posted by Naruto_Emilio dude, you started learning android for like 20 days and now you think you are an expert? you need atleast 5 years of studying in order to master i...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder It's pretty obvious that you copied his or his idea, you posted this exactly 2 days after his, coincidence" (I think not) I don't see a problem with ...
It's not a great idea to start a topic about smartphones. Seriously, it's like a religion for a lot of users. Every discussion about an iPhone or Android ends up in people arguing about which one suck...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack This will just consume more time than usuall. If you're lazy to script and just don't enjoy it, why are you even scripting? There are people who ...
I... don't like it. It's bad and poorly programmed.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mauzen I was going to write the same, but gave the search a try and found this recent thread. This one is o...
Quote: Originally Posted by kaisersouse @Biesman they've found the wreckage already It was not confirmed back then. Two/three minutes after my post, it had been confirmed
Thanks for the videos Quattro. Gosh, the humanity can be sick...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sojo12 You could simply edit and update the thread. That's what I've been doing. -- Some news websites claim this has been an attack to provoke Russia.
NEWS UPDATE: #1 The plane has been shot down by a BUK-aircraft missile system made by the Russians. Pro-Russian rebels also seem to own these missiles. Pro-Russian militia leaders deny involvement. "...
Malaysia Airlines MH17 which left from Schiphol, Amsterdam NL, has lost contact with Amsterdam above Ukraine, near the Russian Border. According to different sources, all 295 passengers died. Nation...
Source, please. That's a requirement on the SA-MP forums.
Welcome to the family, bro! We're here to help you
Is it possible to place a global textdraw on top of a Player textdraw which contains a model preview? I'd like the clickable area to be larger than the actual size of the model preview. However, every...