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Quote: Originally Posted by Nubik Anyone have a pastebin link of this include? pastebin link on first post expired.
Quote: This doesn't prevent damage, it just provides some easy ways to revert the damage or customize the amount of damage to be dealt. So if you set the amount to 0 it will preve...
Quote: Originally Posted by eco1999 No, i find. native EmulateCommandEx(cmdid, playerid, params[]) native EmulateCommand(playerid, cmdtext[]) EmulateCommand will re-create the command,...
Quote: Originally Posted by eco1999 How to call a command? Код: cmd_yourcommand(playerid, " "); // if you are using params cmd_yourcommand(playerid); // if you are not using params
Quote: Originally Posted by yvoms This is a useful comment i can do something with this lmao, i didn't use it as a filterscript for my gamemode but i was hooking it to my main script as i ...
Quote: Originally Posted by OKStyle Gamemode has pawn.cmd, FS - not, all comamnds from FS not working when FS was loaded. Why? If you are loading the plugin in a filterscript you must p...
Quote: Originally Posted by Eloy I did not understand how to use the flags I have a player enum data, obtaining data from mysql if I want to see if a user is not an administrator used a ...
Quote: Originally Posted by PT Well Konstantinos, I know its thread is not for that porpose but i want ask and suggest something to you. Create an anti cheat for mod hack, you could incl...
It would be great if you could call OnVehiclePaintjob and OnVehicleMod callbacks. Some vehicles system using those callbacks to update vehicle's variables, in that case your modding won't pass through...
Actually it is a server sided system you can remove the money directly or just don't give them return 0 on the GivePlayerMoney hook That will prevent hackers from even using it, well they will use it...
Quote: Originally Posted by nemanjasepa Not heavy design, but looking amazing !! Thanks Quote: Originally Posted by djhiago tem como vocк colocar o arquivo sql nгo ? ...
If you have A_I enabled on your INSERT query the house id will be increased automatically then you can retrieve it with a query or save it on a variable with cache_insert_id()
Quote: Originally Posted by vannesenn I don't understand what I can to do with flags? You can use them to make helper/admin/rank commands faster and easier see the example in main post
If you are not able to protect your script why you even opened a community? If your script got leaked it's your fault, stop blaming the SAMP community for this I can understand how you feel but SAMP ...
I run some tests because I wanted to make a function to continue messages to a new line if they are very long and I received such messages when the string was too long Logs: Code: [19:43:30] [join]...
Buffer overflow means that your string has more cells than it can hold for example Code: CMD:test(playerid) { new message[100]; if(sscanf(params, "s[144]", message)) return 0; new string[100];...
Well I run some tests and placing or not params wherever you don't need them won't cause any problem. Correct me if I am wrong
Quote: Originally Posted by patrickgtr I don't know where you got your information about y_hooks is outdated but y_hooks pretty much does the same but without the messy defines. secondly y...