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So in fact, you're suggesting him to convert his whole script to a better performed file writing/reading system?
That doesn't quite assist him in his problems here,
There is converters out there to d...
Haha Kush. Thought you said you were no Pro in some other threads!
But dini works just fine. You just have to use it properly.
Anyways, i've been looking through the whole thing several times now, a...
Does this actually works?
if(gTeam[playerid] == 2) gTeam = "Vampire";
if(gTeam[playerid] == 1) gTeam = "Human";
I would have done:
if(gTeam[playerid] == 2) { gTeam = "Vam...
A good idea is also to start out modifying a gamemode (could be a Deathmatch gamemode) as it's very simple and basic.
It's easy to understand the scripting by reading it, and once you try to put your ...
Not a chance, champ.
I'm making a scratchmade script and that is no problems for me.
I just never understood how exactly the variables works in a phone system - which is why i'm here.
I'm still a bit confused.
Should the person calling and the person receiving have the variable IsOnThePhone[MAX_PLAYERS] set to -1 ?
What if 4 peoples are connected to IsOnThePhone? :/
Hey lovely scripters.
I've decided to make a phone system, different than all other phone systems.
However, before i can do that, i need to make sure i understand the variables well enough to do it...
EXCELLENT idea! Thanks Dowster. I'll do that right away!
If i put break; right below biip..biip, then it will first break once there's a person in the house.
So it won't work, unfortunately.
The only solution i see, is that i remove the No Answer, message ...
RealCop - I'm oldstyle!
Actually, i havn't seen foreach before now. Thanks. I'll look into it.
For the code, i removed all of the return 1;, and it works more or less.
It spams the no answer, and wh...
I've tried changing it to the below, but it didn't help either. Should i completely remove return 1; ?
for(new i = 0; i<APPROX_PLAYERS; i++)
if( (GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i) == housel...
Hi. For some reason, i have failed with a loop through players.
This following code stops at ID:0 and won't continue to search for other players.
The idea is, that it should search for any players, w...
Originally Posted by [FeK]DraKiNs
and others,samp sucks..
Why play then?
I wouldn't of had the fun I had on SAMP if it didn't exist, now that I am not really playing it anymore,...
Cya, thanks for all the offered help in my Scripting questions. I think that you replied with the solution in every single one of them bar a few ones.
SA-MP isn't boring as a game, the community is m...
The way I worked is I replaced (ctrl+h, replace all) every
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
", true) == 0)
pawn Код:
(playerid, params[])
Then fo...
If you want to use a timer, you have to make it a public.
Functions like 'GetDistanceBetweenPlayers' are usually stocks and you cannot call a stock with a timer or with CallRemoteFunction (I believe)...
Try if(newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK)
Originally Posted by Hiddos
I have never agreed with anyone as much as you, IW only cared about the money.
Not that I like BC2 though, hate both of em. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory...
Originally Posted by vital2k
There are very few servers with 'written from scratch' scripts with nothing from the GF in them but they are out there.
But I agree, some of the old RP...