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Quote: Originally Posted by balisticore any one know how to fix the problem? right now it only shows 1 of the 2 sentances.. You need a text draw cause only 1 game text shows up at a time
Quote: Originally Posted by Yoyoyo bump It has been said alot recently that all the OMG <!> <!> Unknown command <!> <!> OMG stuff is very annoying and you will...
Код: GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 2000, 5); i think in this line the 5 is seconds it stays up so im not sure how to change it but the problem is there.
Quote: Originally Posted by LasTRace yo, i have DM s on my server and i blocked some useless commands for player when he/she is in dm. at the upper of the mod, i put new indm[MAX_PLAYERS];...
yes line 9,121,131 have to be deleted so its a gamemode only then all the real errors start. Joe Staff did you a huge favor,i got as far as 4 errors mostly with dcmd A few problems were gteam being ...
Quote: Originally Posted by radhakr You need to use this: . Thanks much
I have made checkpoint to get into dirt track in San Fierro,it works and so does the exit. But i spawned 4 motorcycles for people to ride around on inside,they are not there. But i see the motorcycles...
Top of gamemode Код: #define SOUND_OFF 1184 Then under OnPlayerSpawn Код: PlayerPlaySound(playerid,SOUND_OFF,-1421.1034,1488.5735,11.8084);
Код: public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { gPlayerClass[playerid] = classid; switch (classid) { case 0: { GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Worker", 500, 3); } c...
This at top Код: static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS]; #define TEAM_WORKER 0 #define TEAM_PIMP 1 #define TEAM_TRIAD 2 #define TEAM_FBI 3 then this under OnGameModeInit Код: AddPlayerClass(260,-2062....
Quote: Originally Posted by Matthew500 Quote: Originally Posted by Matthew500 say errors please help Код: //===============================================================...
AddPlayerClass(118,-2635.3606,1397.4556,7.0938,210.2745, 22, 100, 28, 300, 30, 350); Only the co-ords in red go in for the SetPlayerMarker would be SetPlayerMarker (-2635.3606,1397.4556,7.0938,3.5...
If you use gAdmin filterscript you can do /v wherever you want and a menu will come up and you can choose between cars/bikes/boats/planes(copters) and just spawn a bunch of vehicles.Then sit in them l...
So then apart from 2 spunks outside SF dirt track stadium,how many outside machines are there in the game? Can't be too many to take to long to block them?
Quote: Originally Posted by emer720 I add my server to my list and it still says my game mode is DM LV and its defintaly the GF game mode how do i change this? Код: SetGameModeText...
Quote: Originally Posted by kacperoo But I need coords of all of it Are you also disabling all cluckin beel/burger shot/pizza stacks?
i tried this and it works,place another sprunk directly in front of it,when you add a sprunk as an object it is non functional meaning it cannot be used Код: CreateObject(1775, -2063.286621, -490...
Quote: Originally Posted by john11johng on the blahh blahh blahh bit is that where u put code to disable class. If so what is it You simply do some kind of text message saying,"team is...
gAdmin has it built in you just have to change a value in a script file from 0 to 1 somewhere.