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If I may, I suggest you read up the tutorials about MySQL with multi-threading and caching. How you implemented it was wrong, once you do a (SELECT) query, you're supposed to send it to a callback to ...
Quote: Originally Posted by PowerPC603 If it works and you need it to get data in a certain order, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use it. One example this could be useful: - fir...
Is it a good practice to query once more when i'm on a callback from where I was sent into by the main query? I just made this right now to show my point, pawn Code: public SampleCallback(){    mys...
Quote: Originally Posted by Anzipane 50ms is actually A LOT of time for a query to execute! Either your code is really inefficient or your database is not on the same machine as your samp-...
This will help a lot as well.
Good indentation helps. pawn Код: CMD:event1(playerid, params[]) // SPEED-RACER (rules who got first place win!!!){    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))    {        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(play...
Quote: Originally Posted by TwinkiDaBoss save the password input they have sent in a separate log file Passwords shouldn't be stored in plain text! That renders your hashed password use...
Quote: Originally Posted by EnforcerDon deffineately use a querry. It may be slower, but if you think about it, the alternative is to store the entire list in server ram, which is not exa...
Quote: Originally Posted by TwinkiDaBoss Why dont you let player choose the country on the beggining. Lets say for example they pick Serbia, just add +2 to their time and thats it. If y...
Quote: Originally Posted by AmigaBlizzard If you want unlimited players to apply for your companies, you should use a query every time. Enums (or arrays inside that enum) are fixed in size...
In my script, I can create a company. Members are allowed to apply in said company. There's no limit as to how many can apply. Though now I have a problem on how to show members of the company (incl. ...
You're only dealing with one house id. If you want to delete them all, loop through all house ids whilst executing the different functions such as ClearHouse, Destroying of Pickups among others for ea...
Quote: If a player's skin is set when they are crouching , in a vehicle, or performing certain animations, they will become frozen or otherwise glitched. This can be fixed by using ToggleP...
Quote: Originally Posted by [LvZ]Free Shouldn't you give ConvertPrice(cash[playerid] instead cash[playerid] on GivePlayerMoney(playerid,cash[playerid]); ? No, GivePlayerMoney accepts i...
Quote: Originally Posted by TheNerka i want loading from mysql example: if 3 players have can't register, and this new acc kick. Here's an idea, Grab the IP on registration t...
The variable (in your script) where you're storing the hash has a size less than that of the required, 129 characters.
pawn Код: CMD:setskin(playerid, params[]){    if(Admin(playerid) >= 2) //Change to gm-specific enum    {        new skinid, targetid;        if(sscanf(params, "ii", targetid, skinid...
Quote: Originally Posted by Eth fetching the house data from a table right there for sure, a loop that is almost infinite has a big chance to crash your server and you don't want that , ri...
You see, I was making a /stats command. In this command, the player would be able to see the houses that he bought. Now, would it be better looping through thousands of houses just to find his house, ...