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Ok, So when a player enters a vehicle I want it to display the name in a textdraw same with the health. Any help?
What do you mean "American Xbox", All Xbox's are made in USA.
I started the command but I dunno how I would do it from here; pawn Код: CMD:saveveh(playerid, params[]){    if(playerVariables[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)    (        new szQuery[128];  Â...
IF it's for a vehicle, you can't get vehicle health "100", It's only 1000. I don't understand you much ;/
The only way to do it is OnPlayerUpdate, try removing the message. EDIT: The reason it will spam you is because OnPlayerUpdate is updated every 2 seconds.
Can anyone help with this MySQL Help, I got this table; But how would I make a command /saveveh, and it would save this to the table? (I know how to load it on GameModeInit)
It's not released yet ¬_¬
Because I want it to be unique, have things plays want and not for my own entertaintment but for everyones. (Its a freeroam)
"It's another one of these threads" No, it's not. The reason I have this open is because I want my server to be what my players want, not what I want. (Apart of Empire Bay Gaming) So, what would yo...
I know thanks. But [128] isn't really necessary. Using just ' s ' works fine!
My bad, rookie mistake. Fixed it.
EDIT: Fixed. But can someone help me with this?;/
Hello guys, I have almost finished my server but I need a little help. Here is my MySQL "vehicle" table format: How would I make a command /vehsave and it would save the vehicle into MySQL and ever...