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Is there a way to get make it go back and fourth with ease? Like I can get the player name from the numbers?
I'm trying to make a script where each player has a Bank Account Number. I want to be able to create this number from the player's name. Every A would be a 1 for example. Is there an easy way without...
If you read what I said then it wouldn't sound so bad. The most the cookie would be like is like the config file in our User Files. pagesize=20 timestamp=0 disableheadmove=0 Plus I doubt anyone wo...
Only use: Nametag Label of "Name is typing"
Quote: Originally Posted by -Sneaky- .........what
pawn Код: SetPlayerNameTagDrawDistance(playerid, distance); Will allow a player to see nametags at a further or smaller distance than everyone else (or the same if you set the same distance). Us...
pawn Код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason){  if(PlayerIsInDM[killerid] == false)  {new string [128];new pName2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];GetPlayerName(killerid, pName2, sizeof(pName2));fo...
If you only needed it so that you can give more damage to the gun then you could just check if the player's aiming at a person and fired then you can check the player's health to see if it has decreas...
That's pretty cool but shame it doesn't stop the bots from connecting to the server in the first place. (Plus I'm sure there are image-to-word applications) I like it though, 5/5.
The lock on works fine when the target isn't going as fast as a hydra.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mo3 Not too bad. Although not useful on DM servers, just imagine you get dialog-frozen, cant move but some nubs keep shooting at you. Well you could use it a...
Basically, I used Dialogs to do this. I've noticed Dialogs make you lose your control over your player, so I used it as a new "Frozen" feature. You lose control on being able to type(talk in chat), m...
This would be great for war gamemodes, if you replace the vehicle with a rustler so that it can drop bombs.
#DEFINE A format(var,64,"%s",username[playerid]); ?
You could save the player's stats every three seconds.
Make your game mode addictive so they'll come back for more.
That's that I'm kinda doing now, but is that the only way?
Let's say I made a /spec <ID> command, but if I also wanted the player to do "/spec off", how would I do that in sscanf?