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I don't see this working in multiplayer at all.. Considering how if someone used the command or whatever you're planing to do would use it and then be out of sync with everything else.. Plus I'm prett...
Do you have the gamemode KGRP.amx in your gamemodes folder?
Probabaly under OnPlayerConnect or OnPlayerSpawn.
Make their skin save in their user file and when they spawn just get their saved skin and set it.
edit you guys beat me to it
In the time that it would take to even walk to my fridge and get something to drink I can download the package and update it to the newest version.. This tutorial seems a bit useless and anyone who do...
It appears that you don't have ProxDetector defined. You need to add this function to your script in order to use it.
I don't see why not. Just try it and see if you get any errors. And you have to have newinteriorid defined as well.
Allowing people to "buy" admin doesn't seem like a good idea considering your server will eventually be all admins making the game boring.
Windows 7 Home Premium for now
You cannot simply put random(0xfffffff) as a color.
I don't understand why people insist on bumping their threads if no one helps them.. But there is no way besides the plugin to do this, so if it's not working then it's something on your part or the p...
If you continue making threads about the same thing each time you're probably going to get banned.. You've been given answers by a few different people. Making 3 threads about the same topic is just g...
I cant see this working at all unless you make a function that randomizes the colors each time the message is sent, but the code you're showing us makes no sense at all.
For future notice, people aren't going to be interested in helping you if you keep bumping your threads.
As for your problem, it's been answered like 3 times.Once they connect turn TogglePlayerSpecta...
Hmm.. Try contacting your VPS and see if there's anything wrong on their side, if not try switching over to an actual samp server host.
This can possibly be from coding your server with too many arrays/strings for commands etc. Try optimizing your gamemodes/filterscripts. If the problem isn't with your scripts, then contact your VPS p...
I would recommend using dcmd or zcmd, as it makes commands easier to add/manage.
Something like
stock PlayerFile()
new string[256], pName[24], PlayerFile[50];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(PlayerFile, sizeof(PlayerFile), "AdminScript/Users/%s....
Originally Posted by Scarface~
or you could
#pragma tabsize 0
at the top of your script and you wont get idention warnings.
Yeah but then it makes it harder for the serv...
So in the past I've been putting this piece of code under everything that required me to access player's dini file (commands, callbacks, etc.). I would much rather code some feature into the general s...