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Dude. just goto Volt-host or colour host, best and easy to use.
Nice work, Make all your maps into Filter scripts, it will help ALOT! Instead of newbies, Adding it to their script, and if they get it wrong, and thats a fail for them, Better if you make into Filter...
Yeah, Nice map, SS would be great, I would love to see more coming in future.
Nice work man, Keep up your good maps. Hope the e.2 will be awesome and especially, e.3 if you do it.
Remove caps, and yeah, with that type of language, Caps, Nobody will script, your server sounds abit crap. Script it yourself, learn, And if you want a scripter, Look at Xtreme_playa reply,
lol, then dont go on it, simple.
You need some reps, 7 reps as stated above.
Dude, Just Firewall, IP, ISP ban him, simple, Job done.
Bro, I have a hole fucking forums, U think, I cant do shit, watch it, Go get ur son of a guns, and have a proper, Hacking match. Just watch u fucking cunt.
Can you send me your GM in PM, I'll have a look, and send it back 2 you.
Sure, Well, firstly u need to make a command for the /open and /close ect, then postions public OnFilterScriptInit() { Gate = CreateObject(modelid,Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float :rX,Float:rY,Fl...
trol, I can script betah than u.
Yeah, But, If you put this into a filterscript, it will basically mess up, It's better if you keep it like this, and just modify it, or make it better, if you want.
Wait, If it's Gsetting [Pocket_money] == dini_int(settingsFile, "PocketMoney")" Goto Line 36, and fix it from their, I guess.
Nice .. That is easy, I guess. I could do that, in maybe 1 minute.
I did not get any errors, While playing sa-mp, or normal, Well Single player alot! but sa-mp bloody damn fine, perfect. Window 7 IS COOL.
******, is your friend, ****** the DLLS, and add them to your, Gta sa fdile, in the pawno file, i guess, or i think, I only came across Pawn.DLL. But, yeah, ****** IS UR SPECIAL FRIEND, USE IT,