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I know it should be better to use R40+ versions, but the gamemode is old and is completely built with the old MySQL concepts. So.. we're planning to create a new mode from scratch in the near future.....
Sorry for the double-post. But this is fucking really weird. I cannot believe that I found out the problem. I debugged the whole code line by line, callback by callback and noticed that the error was ...
The very old version i.e. G-sTyLeZzZ's MySQL R5. I printed the retrieved query in the console and also the OutX position and it was strange to see this:
pawn Код:
[19:53:51] 322|0|5000000|None|0|3...
@******, I'm certainly sure that the server loads up everything from the database in LOCAL SERVER ( and also in the server host. The problem is that ONLY the "exterior X co-ordinate" (i.e. O...
So is that it? Nobody knows the solution for this?
It's all matching, and the problem occurs only when I run the server in host. It runs without any problems in local server.. Got any other suggestions?
So, I built a housing system now and everything seems to work like a charm on my local server. When I upload it to any host, I get a problem.
This is the part of my code loading data from the databas...
Debug your code, and check the logs for where it stops working. It's most likely a connection problem.
Indeed. Great work!
Is there any way the radar could show up custom mapped paths? Just in case, if we map a new city - is there any way we can script what can be displayed in the map radar?
If there's an option to stop your services on the server control panel, do it straight-a-way. I don't think you can expect any refunds from them. If there's no such option to cancel your subscription,...
I mentioned ".exe" as an example. The general question was "can you remove files that are outside of scriptfiles folder which have other formats like .pwn or .amx or .inc"
Is there any way of removing files other than .txt (or) .ini format through the script? I tried to remove an .exe file using fremove, but it didn't work. I haven't been in touch with pawn for a while ...
Posting your SQL log would help a bit..
The negation operator (-) is probably causing this, try:
pawn Код:
new str[128]; format(str, sizeof(str), "UPDATE `playeraccounts` SET pSpawnPosX='%f', pSpawnPosY='%f'...
You need to install MySQL libraries for it to run or simply use (of your version) which includes itself a library and on the other side, your streamer plugin doesn't match the streamer...
pawn Код:
new townQuery[200]; format(townQuery, sizeof(townQuery), "SELECT `town` FROM `playerdata` WHERE `playerName` = '%s'", playerNamee); mysql_query(townQuery), mysql_st...
You're completely using a string in the place of integral values (i.e.)PlayerInfo enumeration and GetPlayerFaction functions.
To set rank of an offline player (or who's not connected in your words), y...