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By your reply, I'm assuming you are not a developer. However, I'm looking for someone to work with and for future comers to this topic to work with as well. I haven't met as much web developers in the...
What's up? Do you know the languages HTML5, CSS3 , JavaScript and others?
I'm currently learning Ruby on Rails. If anyone out there are web developers or learning related technologies, tell us about ...
If anyone has a GTA 5 Download link , could you share It with me
Sorry to re-birth this thread but I have the same problem whats causing this?
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(const text[], color, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:drawdistance, attachedplayer = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, attachedvehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, testlos = 0, worldid = -...
The "loading ban status" is a gametext ( GameTextForPlayer(playerid," here ",300,3); ) . and the others are textdraws.
which can be made using... iPLEOMAX Textdraw editor
Can you give an example like?
pawn Код:
foreach(Player,i)if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_GROVE){SetPlayerMarketForPlaeyr(42, i , 0x888888C8);}
Thats just an example but i dont know how to do it so can you t...
Is it possible to make it so ONLY players on that team can see of there teammates.
For example:
All groves see there teammates on the map as Green but other players thats not on their team see them ...
Fuck sakes I KNOW HOW TO SAVE SPAWNS i just want them already done.
Does anybody have some random spawns in LS?
in muholland, grove , idlewood , willowfield, everything, inside a array like Float RandomLSSpawns. Please reply I need this!
Someone Has the LINK?
None of those does not work.
What my question is how to make a double class selection like this server did. First you chose the team Aztecas then you choose the skin! all in class selection! how do you do that?.
Let me show you ...
What paremeters do i use for this can someone explain to me how or give a example command?
Example: /gang join , /gang leave . /gang leader,etc . please reply.
Can someone explain to me how to give the command a chance like If i type /rob . one moment it will say
'Success you robbed [Cali]ChrOnic_T' and the next moment it says 'Failed to rob [Cali]ChrOnic_T...
Okay. Let me explain whats the problem, I made a /arrest command and i made it for ONLY COPS! and that works but this gotta be a sscanf problem or somthing because its giving me the wrong error.
Its on *******.
but just download iPLEOMAX Textdraw editor, then make a textdraw and make it clickable then OnPlayerClickTextDraw make it SHOW the login dialog
pawn Код:
stock MySQL_Login(playerid){ new query[300], pname[24], savingstring[20]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM playerdata WHERE ...
Everytime i login, it doesnt load my score or admin level or it doesnt sends a message
and When i uncomment 'mysql_store_result();' it crashes the server when i login,
What did i do wrong? please exp...
Im using J_Register Mysql Account system with BlueG's R33, And I keep recieving these errors, I need this mysql system because my other dini admin system is failing. I really need help!
pawn Код:...