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Quote: Originally Posted by JXF Hello. I tried to add ******' register/login system to my gamemode. It somewhat worked fine, apart from the accounts saving after a restart. Also, I have mu...
pawn Код: stock DialogParticules(playerid)  {          new          string[64],          string2[sizeof(string) * sizeof(pInfo) + 1];            for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(...
Hey guys, been a while So for the past few days I've been thinking of coming back to SA-MP and re-learning PAWN. Now the issue is this. Even though SA-MP is growing, the only thing growing is kids ...
Thank god ****** put his work under MPL, else we'd be fucked.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mellnik WINNER! Anyways, on topic. The SA-MP forums gets DDoS'd (or dos'd) sometimes because at times I'm not able to access the site, but usually the atta...
It's probably because you're connecting to MySQL with Root. Make a new MySQL Account, and use that. Please. EDIT #1: I know saying that not using Root is the cause, but it was for me for some odd rea...
Quote: Originally Posted by Stuun No. I used setplayerhealth if you did not see. I did 99999999999999999999 Okay, but what if the player didn't have 100 HP before he went AFK? And he h...
pawn Код: #include <a_samp>#include <zcmd> new IsPlayerAfk[MAX_PLAYERS]; CMD:afk(playerid, params[]){    if(IsPlayerAfk[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0...
Quote: Originally Posted by KingHual wat. I really fucked up what I said there, sorry. :X. Quote: Originally Posted by Stuun First of all calm down. And he should not be b...
Quote: Originally Posted by ExtremeHostOwner Did I say .ga domain is free I never told I just told also giving free .ml .ga .cf But you are fucking mental, you've invested 0$ into your ...
A web/gameserver hosting, that's on a free host, trying to charge people to host their servers on a free webserver. As well as trying to charge people for free .ga domains. You're a scammer, you're t...
Quote: Originally Posted by AiRaLoKa try to use this fs Worked like a charm, thanks man!
And how the hell do I fix that now? I wasted too much time on this to have it do something like this.
222 When I do "Show Code" and hit Centered it changed my coords from the placement of my map, it moves it to somewhere outside of Blueberry! WTH?
Quote: Originally Posted by HyDrAtIc Exactly. Though if you want a free host with MySQL. Use the one in my sig. Nice cheap way of advertising. You can't even act professional to your ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Rittik But it's a C type language though. How so ever. Please tell me if this is correct or not. Код: 5 elements * 32bits = 160bits //As per my knowledge...
Open XAMPP Control Panel, press start on MySQL... Then go to localhost/phpmyadmin add your database, the defaults are. User: root And no password.
That's a no-brainer, of course it is. It's illegal FYI.