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Thank ya.
Edit : Got my month and day mixed up >.< Sorry for necro.
sure here you go.
SetPlayerPos(playerid, -4710.60000976563, -2141.1999511719, 3.0);
Yeah I planned on making it more natural but as you said exactly Admins don't need places to congregate however if they do should at least have somewhere to do it. :P
Thank you, figured people could use it. Might need to change the interior ID though so no one can get to it but that's up to the Admin of their server :P
This map will require the use of a streamer (YSI preferable since it's dynamicobject) but here it is I used it on my GM Urban Gang-Wars and loved it. Here you guys go.
To get to the island simply got...
I am no longer working on any gamemodes atm me and luke went seperate ways as I was needed in life more than samp, However you can if you look up gangzone adding in pawno.
Will try it ****** it was working just last Monday though then it stopped for some off reason.
Hello all Luke and I have a problem with our server, and our code doesn't look to be wrong but when someone joins they type in their password play a while then log out, the file saves and creates howe...
You need to get the include and put it in your pawno/include folder You can get the include from here. >>INCLUDE<< All credits to MP2 I just uploaded to Mediafire.
Because we dont mind releasing gamemodes while running a server, we can still use the GM because it is ours after all :P
San Fiero limited, There is a barrier around the city, 6 gangs, Grove is in San Fiero their base is at pier 69.
Thanks haha doing it for you guys
Note: This is the linux only Version. The Windows Version is available here.
Game Mode Video
Server Features
- 6 Gangs to choose from...
Looks good man, will check it out sometime
Yes, I need it to send a message to every telling them which Gang attacked which zone
Alright what im wanting is for when you attack a gang zone it sends a client message to everyone like so "GANG has initiated a turf war with GANG" Anyway to do this here is the code im using note the ...
Our /stats command shows a list of things like your money,vip,admin,score,etc and when you kill someone/die I want it to update your users file and /stats can get the updated one.
I mean like how in a stunt server you can drive a car into the garage and tune it then exit with your vehicle tuned how would you do that?