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I will start a new server from scratch. I need a server hoster or server scripter. If you can do both, why not? Let's talk. PM me here on SA-MP forums.
Since I can't figure out how 3D arrays work, I split them up into four different variable names. (( )) Anyways, whenever I use the command /work, ...
Quote: Originally Posted by DelK Try. PHP Code: new TrailerDestination[12][Trailer] = {     {"Gas Station", 1941.9574, -1790.2637, 13.3828},      {"Gas Station", 980.54...
PHP Code: enum Trailer {     Name[32],     Float:DestX,     Float:DestY,     Float:DestZ }; new TrailerDestination[][][Trailer] = {     {         {"Gas Station", ...
PHP Code: new TrailerDestination[][][Trailer] = {     {         {"Gas Station", 1941.9574, -1790.2637, 13.3828},         {"Gas Station", 980.5435, -921.2930, 41.2895}...
I have no anti virus installed in my PC. I only use Windows Defender.
Hello SA-MP forums. I tried everything about Port Forwarding but still I could not quite figure out why the port 7777 is not opening at all. Here is what I did so far: - I have no anti-virus, I am ju...
Quote: Originally Posted by NaS I guess that would prevent others from joining completely, but they can if he hosts a basic mode. If you host one of the other gamemodes (which don't wor...
Hello. I am playing in a small internet cafe and it is capable of having a LAN party. The problem is, only the pre-included gamemodes work (such as barron/grand larceny), and other gamemodes do not. W...
Код: SaveWeapons(playerid) { new File:file = fopen(WeaponInventoryPath(playerid), io_append), weapons[13][2], string[128]; for(new i = 0; i < 13; i++) { GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, we...
When I use 487 objects in Incognito's Streamer, it does not work even if I replaced it with CreateObject. If not 487 objects, they will appear.
Hello, I updated my map and I have 487 objects. It does not seem to load. When I reupdate my map to less than 300, I can load it. How could I do this? I am using Incognito's Streamer
Код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { for(new j = 0; j < 6; j++) { ...
BTW where do I put "USAGE: /clan invite [id]" when the user inputs wrong parameter?