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Quote: Originally Posted by Kwarde This is how I would do it: pawn Code: new const AdminLevelName[][] = {    "User",    "Semi Administrator [Level 1]",    "Semi Administrator [Leve...
Is this the best way? Code: #include "a_samp" #include "Pawn.CMD" main(){} new Admin[MAX_PLAYERS]; new SemiAdminLVL[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnGameModeInit() { return 1; } public OnGameModeExit() { ...
After entering the /semi1 command in /admins, it displays that there is no administrator. After entering /rank1 it is displayed in the dialogue that I am the administrator. Why after entering /semi1 d...
Hi. I don't remember how you could do it that the administrators show up in the window. I have made the PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] variable.
Please code:
I still have a problem with this message. I'm in the Grove gang, it shows me the message "Your gang Ballas has taken over the territory" and when I'm in the Ballas gang, "Your gang Vagos has taken ove...
Yes but some mistake. When I'm in the Ballas gang and taking over the area, it shows me the message "Your Vagos gang has taken over territory not belonging to any gang". I'm not in Vagos but Ballas C...
Hello. How to make a message for players who are available and in the same gang. With this message for the player "Your gang %s has taken over a territory not belonging to any gang". %s - FracName Gan...
I saved the positions and still the same. I entered the house with ID 0 and it was interior 6 and the database is set to interior 4 ... Edit: Still different happens when I remove "new houseinter...
I think so. In the database I have 2 interiors added and when I enter the house with ID 0 and 1 I enter the interior is good but when I go to the house with ID 2 I fall from the map I do not know why ...
Yes, but there are two interiors added to the database .
I have a problem with interiors. In the database, each house has the interior set with ID 1 and when I enter, for example, house ID 0, I can enter the interior, but when I enter another house ID 1, th...
Oh, that's good for me too. Thanks . What should I do with this " if(playerid == vehicleid) " ?
Yes, but OnPlayerEnterVehicle has my plus that it does not get into the vehicle just shows the message by clicking "F" or "Enter". I want to make sure I do not do the wrong thing in OnPlayerEnterVehic...
Thank you also works nicely. It works but I'm not sure if this is correct for this public. Code: public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) //test123 { if(vehicleid) { if(Pla...
Hello. I wanted to remind myself how it's done when getting into a vehicle, it popped up the message that "You do not have a driving license, you decide to leave the vehicle!". How to make it work wel...
How to make messages in the order such as message 1, message 2, message 3 and again message 1 and so on. No randoms. Code: SendClientMessageToAll(-1, RandomMSG[random(sizeof(RandomMSG))]); printf("TE...