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Yes, however as we have stupid and smart people, that AI is pretty damn stupid because it can only do one task.
"Smart" AIs usually can learn new stuff
I bought a 6700K recently (the new series came quick after it tho, but it's not much of an upgrade for me to be worth it to buy a new one) so I'm not switching anytime soon and certainly not to AMD, b...
What does one include even mean? if you are gonna put all of it in one include, why not put it in the GM itself? it literally makes no difference and doesn't even make sense.
If by that you mean divi...
Originally Posted by blinkpnk
I'm sorry, I have bad results usually using forum search, I will try samp's next time.
I know this operator from its original name "inurl:" from bef...
Well DUH, you are loading everything twice, once into a dummy array while not actually loading it to a dummy array, you directly use the main array.
create a local array for example:
Originally Posted by Sublime
kids making funny threads and posts
this forum always gives me that laugh i need at times
look at my signature LOL still gives me the laugh
Tbh if ...
Or.. you know, you could go with the obvious and easier way which is also more optimized.
PHP код:
CMD:sellinfo(playerid, params[])
houseselling[playerid] = housesellingsql[p...
Originally Posted by JesterlJoker
Just one big question?
Isn't OnPlayerUpdate and some local callbacks being called by timers? OnPlayerUpdate is updating 30 times in 1 second right...
Originally Posted by Sublime
2009: yes
2010: yes
2011: mhm
*insert number of years where blueberry prison rp was dominating*
20??: bb-rp looses its popularity, various spin offs a...
I know, i still think its possible by combining a lot of things and i will indeed give it a try
I can't understand, whats so hard to grasp in the concept of open-source? Fo...
The thing is, whatever memory it'd use it's still created locally, which means it's (usually) part of the OnGmInit and only done once and doesn't really matter, so I'd suggest you to use whatever gene...
Originally Posted by iLearner
How can it be bypassed? how easy is it?
Very, just as easy as changing IP, you just need to out-smart them.
Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
E_STREAMER_EXTRA_ID is integer value
Originally Posted by Sanady
How it can have any type? So far I know that ID is number, I ...
Literally one of hospitals released in this section, just a retarded no-texture version, and you think we wouldn't notice.
Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
I'll just repeat, if i do it, i will make it for FREE and Open source, since its gonna be part of my launcher anyways!
You do realize if an anti...
Originally Posted by AmigaBlizzard
Why would my approach be terrible?
It works for me.
Btw, the default samp includes are managed in a similar way.
Defines and generic functions in...
Yes, it's perfectly possible, and also it is a way of doing a modular setup for your gamemode.
However I do encourage you to read more on modular setups for gamemode in the forums (One of them is Scav...
You are directly using the ID you get from the game as the array index, What makes you think that the i you set is the same as CreateVehicle?
Here's 3 options for you;
1- You need to load the data i...
Originally Posted by princejeet1510
Love you man.....Thanks I got the idea....Now....One more thing....Do it worth making the log system save in a table in MySQL or would be better...
Hmm, What would be the one thing (the "channel" you mention a couple times) binding all these together? the plugin?
How would codes in other languages subscribe?
I'd love to have this so I can hook it...