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Anyone? I've even commented out the 'bugged' lines and it stills appears?
This is the error line, however I added something else to the script so the lines changed. The error still remains on the 'amount++;' line. And that bracket you said was an error, was supposed to be t...
I'm getting this weird bug with my script, I edited once and compiled it. It worked fine, then edited once again and it then gave me this error. Код: (34297) : error 075: input line too long (af...
Actually is an invalid way to give people your IP as it wont show, port forward and use
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder the mp3's It still plays the audio in-game.
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder BLunt, we cant access those files, we dont have permission Which files?
Код: Update #0003 • Audio streams added for when a player is 'Infected' & when the round is over. • Script optimized and now loads faster after created efficient space where lines are merg...
Create this stock Код: stock GetName(playerid) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); return name; } Код: if(strcmp(GetName(playerid), GroupInfo...
Quote: Originally Posted by Airblog How to fix errors? Код: error 025: function heading differs from prototype Код: public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float: amount,...
Quote: Originally Posted by Lordzy pawn Код: if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) != ak47) return ... You might want to correct this, it checks if player's cash is not equal to the ak47 value....
Doesn't really look ghetto, looks more like an abandoned pd department sector or an army office.
You could create your own class selection, obviously after you TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid,true);, if you don't include that before your class selection the 'Spawn' button will still be visible.
Код: Update #0002 • Every 4 minutes a random message is broadcasted, eg. "Weapon unlocks are available! The more kills you get the more weapons your able to gain, get killing!" • Administrator...
Dynamic Dialogs: Weapons This system isn't exactly created specifically for any type of server, its mainly created for educational purposes for other scripters to inherit a method of dynamically chan...
The visualisations are nice, the script looks good. I couldn't think of the point of this filter script though
Somewhere in your script your animations are stopping, find out where it is and remove it.
Quote: Originally Posted by Rudy_ Nice work, Could add more features as well Feel free to make your own version with more advancements, however I created it specifically to be a simple...
Changelog Код: Update #0001 • Added brand new skin selection system • Colour coding system to infected,uninfected and spectators • More commands for easier management of the server for admin...
Just change Код: else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) to Код: else And if that doesn't work, try this. Код: else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] == 0)