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yoo ryder is this the same ryder I used to talk to before? noticed you got a new account I'll inbox you cheers
Hello people I dunno if anyone remembers me but I used to play n code this like mad, I left it behind about 2 years ago, I've been doing some mad intense PHP, HTML, JS (Jquery) coding and mastered it,...
thats like saying how do i eat without food. the only way to take up an id slot is to use an npc, there is no other way.
if the moneys good I'll script, can do anything possible in pawn and I'm very fast.
Quote: Originally Posted by PlayON It's time for me to get back in photoshop era! BRB, making one Sweet I remember your topic/work and it was wicked.
Quote: Originally Posted by The Toni Okay, this is what I have so far, I'm trying to think of more things to add (I will make the ground background, but I need to go to sleep now). ...
Quote: Originally Posted by The Toni DO IT YOURSELF! (Joking with ya) I'll try to make one :3 lol, n Thanks.
I used to see loads of topic's with people saying you can request an image and since the new forums I can't find one, so hopefully someone post here. I need a image saying "Need For Speed Carbon Mu...
everything is in mysql data base house/vehicles/growing area's/donators/arrest/gangs/whos online/buildings/bans. has bank account features, like opening bank accounts, has /cpanel for everything you ...
Test server here HostName: City Role Play Address: Players: 0 / 60 Ping: 280 Mode: CRP© Version 1 Map: San Andreas @Falcon Interceptor, Sorry as you...
Yeah I do its,, want me to open a test server?
I don't have the time to play sa-mp nor can I be bothered to code pawn anymore (quite boring) I have City-rp made already with many unique feature's if you've already seen them in video's like cop spe...
Nice idea, never seen something like this before, good work
Maybe they forgot to add it when they updated the website, I hope so anyway.
Are you stupid? this is a load of shit it has nothing to do with teaching scripting all it shows is how to open GF edits like we don't have enough already made.
Thank you. EDIT: I hope you make this for Linux soon
not bad, but this only encourages people to use GF / GF edits so I wouldn't make it I will just ruin sa mp more use it for your self.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr Dzx Quote: Originally Posted by Shady91 your NOT allowed to add anything with donation links in it so remove it before you get banned again. J...