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Hello everyone, my question is why when I set the GameText color to Green, using "~g~" infront of it, doesnt change the text color to green ? For ex: GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~Wasted",1000,0); i...
It doesnt even show a marker on the map/minimap...
Hello, thats my track command, and when its executed, it must show a player marker on the minimap, but it doesnt?! Where's the problem, or is it in - PHP код: ShowPlayerMarkers(0);  alth...
First Im setting the position, then Im applying the animation, and thats not the problem because it's setting the actor's health to 0 and it should be laying down like dead, and it was working perfect...
Well it was working fine on the 0.3.7 version of samp, but on the 0.3.7 R2-1 it doesnt, already tried to apply animation to the actor, but its still standing like a statue?!
Using this one:
Hello everyone, Im using a piece of code that creates a dead body at the place you've died. Everything is cool when I run it on my home host - the body lays down dead, but when I upload it on the host...
Quote: Originally Posted by Macluawn No. To circumvent this, you can allow for players to lose money, but not gain it. This way, users will still pay for transfenders, but not gain any fr...
Is it possible to make transfender/paynspray take money from the players when they use it. Im using GivePlayerOLMoney, not GivePlayerMoney and since paynspray and transfender use GivePlayerMoney, onc...
Cleary forgot about that, thank you pal! +Repped One more question, how to do it like that: When a player exceeds the characters limit of division name to return ClientMessage like "The max name le...
Hello, I have a little problem here with the division names. Here's the whole code. Код: CMD:adjustdivisionname(playerid, params[]) { new division, name[8], string[128]; if(!IsPlayerLoggedIn(pl...
Well, first of all I guess its port forwarded, since players can see it and join through the IP, and its hosted, they won't allow me to upload .exe files such as - announce.exe , samp-server.exe, samp...
Been waiting over a week, I think that's not the problem.. ;/
Hello, my server cannot show up in the internet list, although in the server.cfg "announce" is set to 1, "query" too. When I run it locally, it shows up and in s...
Seems like many people are facing this problem.. well, try this - Download Microsoft Visual Redistributable C++ 2010 (x86 & x64)
Well I fixed it already, the fix was simple: Not working: Код: if(vehicleid == 509 || vehicleid == 481 || vehicleid == 510) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Bicycles have no engine...
Check your includes at the top of your script, there may be "MoneyHax" include to prevent players hacking their cash (if you DL-ed the GM and you dont know about this), if you have it, add it to all o...
I've compiled and restarted the server, also there isnt any other /engine command, neither in the filterscript, because I dont use such, everything is in the GM. Well, I will leave it like that for n...
Well.. it didnt worked again, as you said, I dont see whats wrong with it..