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For some reason all my items in the dialog list work except for listitem 3. It doesn't do anything, not even return a message. What's the problem? I don't understand why its doing it.
Okay so my listitem 2 now works but the third one (listitem 3) doesn't work nor return anything. I've tried to fix it and nothing lol.
if(dialogid==HOSPITAL_DIALOG) {
new Float:health;...
Can someone please help me with this code. The first items on the list work in this dialog but the last two (listitem 2 and 3 do not work and I cannot figure out why. They do not do what they are supp...
Originally Posted by cj101
No, you will only use the HDMI cable to recieve HD.
All cables are good, just make sure the speed is high. usually a $25-$40 dollar one is best.
So ...
I have a PS3 and have recently bought a new TV that supports HDMI. I was wondering if I buy an HDMI cable, do I need to use the colored cables as well still ? (The red yellow white ones)
Also, how d...
Are there are tutorials I could follow to make a FREE website just to try? I will eventually make a paid website but would like to learn the tricks before I spend money. I would like to use 000webhost...
Will this work if I'm in a hunter and i shoot player who is in car will it still work
And what if i use rhino to shoot a player in car will it work
How can I check if a player used a tank (rhino) and killed another player?
If they did, it gives them +1 Score.
I can't think of how to do that?
Server crash log.
SA-MP Server: 0.3a R7
Exception At Address: 0x0048174B
EAX: 0x0012F54C EBX: 0x01352400 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x00405910
ESI: ...
Tried it, Server crashes.
Originally Posted by John_F
Find the ID of the gate you want to use and post it.
It's not hard to map it and make a command to make it move.
The gate ID is 987. It will take 2 ...
Lol, i know. But i just need enough to stop most cars bikes :P
Can ya do it for me? please.
Can someone PLEASE add this gate for me with working commands?
I really need someone to add this gate for me, I am really terrible at gates, and my server is almost complete for release. I will incl...
Thank you DJ. I took a look at his first version, it is a bit easier, The problem is hes using Fexist and dini. I'm trying to use dudb since most of my script uses it (banks etc)
You guys know any t...
Originally Posted by DJDhan
Torran's Registration System will work.
I read his, I can't look at it, and change mine to a dialog