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Thats alot of things to script, and if you don't know where to start I suggest you to look for some free scripts at Gamemodes and Filterscript section. Good luck.
I doubt if anyone will be pming you asking for your code so he can try fix it. Just post it here with the error lines if you want to get any help.
Just show some places in your script, thats all. People will get bored and leave your server.
This is the function I made for this: pawn Код: stock GetNextEmptyHouseID(){    new result = 1, id = 0;    while(result != 0)    {        id++;        format(Query, sizeof(Query), "S...
Maybe you spawn in a different interior/virtual world?
You should add your last line to your signature, I see it everytime I read a post of yours Anyway, run a loop through all players, check if he is an admin, if so - send him the message which the give...
You have got to be kidding.You haven't posted your bugs/any information about the errors Pos it on the filterscript's thread
Quote: Originally Posted by Michael@Belgium Yes i have that ! OnPlayerPickUpPickUp(playerid, pickupid) but when i delete the forward line i get this : Код: C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\GTA...
Quote: We really need your help !!! What are you waiting for? Add me on msn and you can stand a chance to become our server scripter and server owner !! Communicati...
I don't know about the ammunation thing since I have never tested this gamemode. About the first problem, its probably because you haven't set your WEAPON SKILL to the highest skills. https://sampwiki...
pawn Код: && player1 != playerid Ofcourse it tells you that the player is not connected. You can not ban yourself.
Quote: Originally Posted by AlExAlExAlEx ^ Not liking that way, you can make it in one command, if you type it once you're on duty if you type it twice you're off-duty. Then use a statu...
I'm really sorry but I didn't understand your given code, and what you wanted to say. I'm trying to select the user's database ID name, and return it as a string. If I understood you correctly, what y...
I can not use the main Query since I need it saved before I call the function. "also change '%d' to %d" - No need. "and s[20] to s[24] " - It has nothing to do with my problem, but still - done. Anyo...
You can use PVars only for saving player's information, for example - saving the player's owned-house. You will have to learn atleast one saving method (Dini/MYSQL/any other saving system) so you can ...
KEY_UP is actually the ALT KEY (walking key).
pawn Код: PlayerSpectateVehicle(playerid, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), SPECTATE_MODE_NORMAL);//THIS - You are trying to spectate your vehicle, not another player's vehicle.
I have a piece of code which uses the next lines: pawn Код: mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Houses`");    mysql_store_result();    if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)    {        while(mysql_fetch_...
Check where the player stands when he types /enter, and teleport him to the needed position with a new variable set Entered[playerid] = NUM (NUM => index of the place). When he types exit, check wh...
No need any map editor to set up a simple checkpoint. Use 'SetPlayerCheckPoint' - 'OnPlayerEnterCheckPoint' -