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Send me a PM, I don't quite understand what you're struggling with, but I would like to help
So, I've had quite an absence to SA-MP and to be honest, I've missed it dearly. I guess it's time that I came back and contributed again! Over the last couple of weeks, I've been (secretly) returning...
330 or some sort of objective C Jack_Rocker
Create an NPC! When the server starts up, it takes up the first avaliable slot, which is id 0! There are some decent tutorials that can help you create one! Thanks, Jack_Rocker
Quote: Originally Posted by [R]ockStar* this is what I got GTA: San Andreas [EURO] No-CD/Fixed Image GTA: San Andreas [US] No-CD/Fixed Image GTA: San Andreas v1.01 [EURO] No-C...
Quote: Originally Posted by Karl[NDZ] Nice tutorial dude! But.. When I write /work I only get this message "SERVER:Unknown command" And I'm in the vehicle and also I'm in the right team. ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jonny5 I started to read this and then i seen pawn Код: #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if (!strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == '\0') &...
I've recently had a snoop around the forums and what was brought to my attention was that there was no decent tutorial explaining how to create trucking missions! This tutorial is the first in a serie...
1. That font size is reeeallly annoying 2. I dont think it's easily done. You can disable class selection, but you can't remove the buttons without re-scripting the whole class selection system. Tha...
Quote: Originally Posted by lonako45 Erorr error 017: undefined symbol "GetPvarInt" Help? It should be: GetPVarInt not: GetPvarInt Capitalization is always an important factor in P...
Well, you dont really need to use a checkpoint! This example uses ZCMD: pawn Код: new findid;COMMAND:find(playerid, params[]){    if (!IsPlayerConnected(params)) return SendClientMessage(playe...
Make sure that 'mysql' (without the quotes) is on the plugins line in the server.cfg file i.e: Код: plugins mysql OR if your server is linux, you would need to have it as: Код: plugins mysq...
Normally, lower powered computers can run a sa-mp server, however, it could be your firewall blocking the server from running. Try running the server as an administrator! Otherwise, revise your firewa...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jari_Johnson* What do you mean with whirl xD Try it, test it, run it? I dont know, its just a thing that us Brits say.
pawn Код: YCMD:invite(playerid, params[], help){    new PlayerID, PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], TargetName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];    #pragma unused help    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)...
pawn Код: YCMD:invite(playerid, params[], help){    #pragma unused help    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pCop] != 2)    {        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Yo...
Quote: Originally Posted by sniperwars Is that necessary to post that here ? This is the scripting discussion? He is discussing the top speeds of the vehicles. I'm sure someone will fin...
Please could you tell us the error (or problem) you are receiving? Thanks, Jack_Rocker
Give this a whirl, otherwise, it could be something to do with your TogglePlayerDynamicCP pawn Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    if(!NameValidator(playerid))    {        new strin...