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So i try get HTTP respond data to global variable... But i get (null) pawn Код: // My Code// Top Of scriptnew info[56];public OnGameModeInit() {        HTTP(0, HTTP_GET, "webpage.address", ""...
Do some know where get textdraw chars codes?
Quote: Originally Posted by Mischi i get the following error when i try to compile the plugin (OS: Debian 6, MySQL Version: 5.1.49-3): samp@Debian-60-squeeze-64-minimal:~/gsql/mysql_rel$...
Quote: Originally Posted by Saurik This crashes the server. I used another plugin by blue g and it worked fine. i got vps and im using the r-6 debian 5 plugin code is here Код: if(s...
When i change pawn Код: // filename liba/file.pwn#include "libb/custom.pwn" to pawn Код: // filename liba/file.pwn#include "liba/libb/custom.pwn" I won't get error...
May you explain then why work /liba/libb/custom.pwn including?
So i make include to my gamemode pawn Код: // filename gamemode.pwn #include "liba/file.pwn" when i include liba/file.pwn libb/ which in liba directory tree Код: gamemodedir |---liba |--...
So i started Gamemode from new.pwn but fexist not work like i have in my code pawn Код: if(!fexist("./../include/")) // for testing perpesis    {       print("Your file does not...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kostas' OnPlayerExitVehicle pawn Код: public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid){    if(IsADMV(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) {        new player...
Windows may show(and access them) linux and other OS harddrive(s)/partition(s) And fix the explorer.exe random crashes. Start menu may be choseble like windows 7 version or new one... Multi desktops w...
easy is check in help command that player is jail you return that he can't use it
I try it but something wrong... pawn Код: new Float:CarHealth[MAX_PLAYERS];Funktsioon Damage(){    foreach(Player,playerid) // foreach include in use :)    {        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle...
SA-MP 0.3d-RC8 Exception At Address: 0x5425A9E9 Registers: EAX: 0x5425A9E9 EBX: 0x7FFD5000 ECX: 0x031607D0 EDX: 0x017D3774 ESI: 0x0000000C EDI: 0x017DDD18 EBP: 0x0022FCA4 ESP: 0x0022FC8C EFLAGS: 0x00...
Thank you RyDeR but can you suggest good animation?
Quote: Originally Posted by suele root@server:~/compile/mysql_rel# make gcc -c -O3 -w -DLINUX -Wall -I../SDK/amx/ ../SDK/amx/*.c g++ -c -O3 -w -DLINUX -Wall -I../SDK/amx/ ../SDK/*.cpp g++ ...
Hello i just wondering how to make player fly out of front window like it is in GTA IV. I have seen it some servers but i have no clue how to make it.
Hmm i was try that but i try make real car crashing script. Fling off the car when hit something but i don't know right anims