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What is the best roleplay server nowdays? I mean the most popular. I remamber ng rp had 600 players, now which server have the most players?
I always get this crashing before server loads: pawn Код: SA-MP 0.3zException At Address: 0x004DD5A3Base: 0x030C0000Registers:EAX: 0x00000024 EBX: 0x00000000 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x00000000ESI: 0x...
Guys I never used the things you says: XAMMP and WAMP, What is it? How can I run the server? I got windows server, I can run it myselfs with my computer
Quote: Originally Posted by AaronKillz First off you need XAMPP or if you have a server host, you can use phpmyadmin. You can upload the .sql file there. There are a bunch of tuts here. ...
Sorry for bumping but I need it now guys. Ya i imported .sql file
Hello I just bought a script, MYSQL. Now, It's not showing me the login dialog and the all things. He says I need the SQL.SQL, he sent me. Now what I'm doing with this file? Thanks in advanced! I got ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vin Diesel This Problem Not in you its Script problems i fixed that problems on my script and some others did LS-RP NG-RP PR-RP everyone has it, I think some...
Guys, Every server I play when I get kicked banned or stuff like that the reason isn't showing up
pawn Код: CMD:kick(playerid, params[]){    new playerb, string[128];    if(!IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You need to login first before using any...
Hello. I'm editing mod and try to do that: Instead of pawn Код: if(response)        {            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "SERVER: {FFFFFF}You have chosen to see the t...
Quote: Originally Posted by Miruclus Ah. Was it hard to integrate a new system? I'm thinking about making a beeper system instead of a phone system. Thanks. Not that hard
Use MTA and put objects where you want. Then go to and convert the .map to pawn Put it under Ongamemodeinit
Quote: Originally Posted by Miruclus Mind sharing the fix? (also having issue with 911 if you have the fix for that as well). Well, i've scripted a new phone system from the beggining
Playerid, That's makes the error, do it playerid
try that: That's from my mod, I think it'll work now pawn Код: CMD:f(playerid, params[]){    new string[128];    if(!IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, ...