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In the top of your script: pawn Код: forward isPlayerInArea(); In your filter-/gamemode init: pawn Код: SetTimer("isPlayerInArea", 1000, 1); In the bottom of your script: pawn Код: pu...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kidel Код: GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); f(strcmp( Name, "your name")) { you command code } put this on your command!!! not tested!!! It...
No offence, but if you don't know /flip, or /fix, then I'd rather you to get a /fix and /flip with strcmp, which I got for you. Its easy to understand for beginners, only its a bit bigger. The /fix ...
Mocht je het willen, kun je altijd nog 's even deze website bekijken - daar staan alle uitslagen van elke poule.
Recommended is xObjects All you have to do is put everything after CreateObject( and before ); between the brackets '{ and }' Or just read the tutorial :P
pawn Код: if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/spawnminigun", true) == 0){if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"You are not authorized to spawn a minigun!");elseGivePlayerWeap...
Or easier: pawn Код: new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));if(!strcmp(pname, "Ihsan_Cingisiz", true)){SetPlayerWalkingStyle(playerid, 3);}
I just found this in my payday script: pawn Код: for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++){  GivePlayerMoney(i, cash);} Change cash to the strtok you used.
pawn Код: GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
Quote: Originally Posted by Hiddos More info please. Do you mean that only people who typed /dm can enter? Is it spawn kill protection? No, I mean, when they enter a dm area (/dm for ex...
Hopefully this is my final request, I want to protect DM areas, but on a easy way, like DM[MAX_PLAYERS].. Go on, who got one for me? It would be appreaciated
Try /register [password] when you are ingame and registered already
pawn Код: if(TeamKills[0] > TeamKills[1]){SetTimer("US_WIN",1000,0)} // error lineelse if(TeamKills[1] > TeamKills[0]){SetTimer("Imperial_WIN",1000,0)} // error line to pawn Код: if(Te...
Quote: Originally Posted by WackoX Quote: Originally Posted by Shady91 wrong, I would do something like pawn Код: public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid){SetTimerE...
Quote: Originally Posted by DJDhan Under OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid,vehicleid) Код: SetTimer("DestroyVehicle",5000,0); It doesn't get destroyed
How to add a timer, into OnPlayerExitVehicle if he leaves a car for 5 seconds, it gets destroyed
The string is the problem. Add on the top in GameModeInIt: pawn Code: welcomeText = TextDrawCreate(240.0,580.0,"Welcome to [name-server]"); And in OnPlayerConnect pawn Code: TextDrawShowForPlayer...
For example, a health float : pawn Код: if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/heal", true, 5) == 0) // 5 is the length of /heal{new Float:health;new string[128];GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health); if(health >= ...