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Another crash with code 0x6BD: It happened when the player touched my car with his car. Very weird crashes.. anyone?
Posted here, along with crash reports:
The issue must be in my script, different players randomly crash in my server. At the start of the round they are teleported into their cars and the chase starts. They dont always crash, but quite oft...
Heres another crash code I got from a player: Код: SA-MP 0.3.7 Exception At Address: 0x00523E6B Base: 0x035A0000 Registers: EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x00B6F258 ECX: 0x0C0B116C EDX: 0x00C8C4F8 ESI: 0...
Players randomly crashing in my server, I have crashdetect plugin enabled but no errors in the console. This is the report error: Код: SA-MP 0.3.7 Exception At Address: 0x0081214A Base: 0x035D000...
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePhenix As far as I'm concerned a player can only see one checkpoint at a time using streamer. I don't know if you could use the function: Код: Streamer_...
I have this weird problem, where only 1 checkpoint is shown at a time and the others disappear. This is the code (in a loop OnGamemodeInit): Код: CreateDynamicCP(portalPositions[i][0], portalPos...
Quote: Originally Posted by PrO.GameR Well .. not the best way, but I came up with it right now PHP код: new string[20];             format(string, sizeof(string), "%...
Developing good-looking UCPs for different servers. Example of my recent work for Innovative Roleplay - All UCPs done as custom work (never released anywh...
Looking for GFX specialists who can make some backgrounds/logos. The server has a stable player base, reaching 60 players today. As a reward you may choose donator/trial admin. Need some main website...
Do you ant your server to be more special, unique? Get yourself an UCP! The list of services I provide for User Control Panels: Login/register system Display the latest bans made in server Ability to...
Just a suggestion - stick to one town. If you have 100 players then a town is just starting to feel alive. When you start a server you won't have a lot of players right from the beginning. Let's say ...
I'll recheck my configs, maybe it indeed is on 1 somehow. But still a weird problem since he got access to my server with only 2 attempts on a long RCON password.
If you read my original post, you can see that I already have 'rcon 0' in my config.
Hi, I encountered a problem when suddenly everyone in the server got a white loading screen. The hostname was changed to: Hacked by Vegaz!skype:[skypecontact] I have 'rcon 0' in my server config, u...
There is a fix posted in the wiki like I already mentioned in my previous post.
Because you haven't used SetPlayerColor. It's also made red in SA-MP wiki, for people like you: There is also a fix posted in the wiki.
Why are you putting the parameters inside brackets? Just: pawn Код: SetTimerEx("releasejail",time*60*1000,false,"dd", playerid,oldskin);
Код: new bool: Chat[MAX_PLAYERS]; CMD:chatid(playerid, params[]) { new Togglechat[128]; if(Chat[playerid] == false) { format(Togglechat, sizeof(Togglechat), "You had set your chatid", Ret...