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Quote: Originally Posted by Galletziz pawn Код: printf("Your character is:%s",u_info[playerid][allineamento]); // RESULT IS: The character(gm_uccisioni) is an integer, isn't it? An...
Quote: Originally Posted by Ox1gEN Alright but wait a second, I think I forgot something, o.o. I forgot to get the data, like cache_get_data, should I do cache_get_data(i, i); ?? You f...
Try something like this: pawn Код: forward OnVehicleLoad();public OnVehicleLoad(){    for(new i, j = cache_get_row_count(g_Read); i < j; i++) // loop through all the rows that were found   ...
Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher.
ZCMD 'blocks' the OnPlayerCommandText callback, you won't be able to use it anymore if you use ZCMD, so either choose strcmp or ZCMD. ZCMD is MUCH faster than strcmp, You could convert your commands t...
Use this, it will show textdraws and sets a timer, you could use it on OnPlayerConnect for example. pawn Код: TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,ConnectTextdraw1);TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,Connec...
Use SetTimerEx.
Here is your fixed code, and i removed some useless, or unneeded vars. Now your ban system is script sided. pawn Код: CMD:ban(playerid, params[]){    if(!IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid)) return SendC...
Quote: Originally Posted by Imperor What did you edit can i know? You were using "playerid" as targeted playerid, that's why you got banned instead of the targeted player. It should be...
Quote: Originally Posted by Imperor Still unsure what i did wrong. Edited.
pawn Код: CMD:ban(playerid, params[]){    new playerb, ip;    if(!IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You need to login first before using any command."...
Which plugin do you use? If you are using R33+ MySQL plugin, it could be: pawn Код: mysql_query(conhandle, query); // change "conhandle" to your connection handle.. Also check this out https://s...
Try this: pawn Код: COMMAND:name(playerid, params[]){    if(!Logged{playerid}) return 0;    if(isnull(params))    {        if(strcmp(params,"On",true) == 0)        {           ...