Search Results
If you use NFO servers, this works: Change your server port (yes, I know this sucks.) Then go to your ACP on NFO's site, go to the "firewall" page and block all incoming to the port :7777. Should...
Hi Zak. Happened to many servers yesterday. Firstly, it was limited to a few IP areas, so I blocked 180.*.*.* 181.*.*.* 186.*.*.* 190.*.*.* 200.*.*.* 201.*.*.* And my server was fine again, until t...
A Great Community! West Coast Roleplay has had many great owners and developers over the years, but has kept stable and offered the players an unforgettable experience for 9 years! We pride ourse...
KingHaul, it honestly depends on if you have a lot of colors. Gif supports up to 258 colors. But once you exceed that, it will kill the quality. Yes. But other than that, it works just fine!
Hello guys! I'm currently making my server ready for the holliday season, and I've mapped Pershing Square into a giant sled basically... Now I'm just missing some music that auto plays and fades the c...
Hi guys, I'm pretty bored lately and if anyone wants a signature, I'd be happy to make one for you! I mostly make gifs, like these: I can make for your server, or for your personal use her...
Hello guys, I'm trying to spawn this object, but ONLY in vw 0, but I can't seem to get it right for some reason. Code: CreateDynamicObject(4564, 1666.49219, -1246.17969, 123.08594,0.000,0.000,0.0,0...
Hi guys! I'm currently being flooded with shit on the :7777 port which I run my SA-MP server on. I'm looking if it's possible to limit the payload size to around 150? As that's what players should hav...
Hi! Have you installed this?
I'd say it's important. Specially if you're concidering having a functional UCP in the future, as well as people managing stuff offline. I would not give everyone access to a FTP Server leading to the...
Search for: '@'localhost' and see if anything is limited to another mysql account. In that case, just change it to 'localhost', and you should be good to go Also, if you deleted all the root users ...
Since '08 Why us? We could give you thousands of reasons why you should join us, but I'd like to make this short and sweet. This server has had it's ups and downs and has been on a bumpy road in th...
402 - they are a little expensive, but you get a pretty cool firewall, where you can monitor your traffic, and block ddosattacks in a sec.
Won't load my gamemode properly... Tried updating the plugins, but no luck. Код: SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3z, (C)2005-2014 SA-MP Team [21:53:34] [21:53:34] Server Plugi...
Get a cheap vps, or something. Setting up a server on your personal computer won't be worth it anyways.
Weird. Not sure what it is then. Sorry.
Are you using a VPS for it or your personal computer? Anyways: Try downloading and installing this: Then try and start it.