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pakistan barbarian you have grass instead of brain. use a loop and a variable to check if player is in dm. To count how many players are in dm use another variable which you increase it ++ on each loo...
Every "if" must be followed either by "return" or by { }. Your 1st if has neither of them.
Originally Posted by IceBilizard
pawn Код:
(!strcmp(name,"Gregory_Kouk", true)) || (!strcmp(name,"Noah_Fallon", true)) EstaAutorizado[playerid] = true;//Cambiar el nick por...
if (!strcmp(name,"Gregory_Kouk", true) || !strcmp(name,"Noah_Fallon", true))
what do you expect? In pawn language if you say a = 1, a = 2, a = 3, and then search for a, the a is 3. use strcut
like this?
pawn Код:
/*Credits to Dracoblue*/stock udb_hash(buf[]) { new length=strlen(buf); new s1 = 1; new s2 = 0; new n; for (n=0; n<length; n++) { s1...
forget that weird define. use onplayerkeystatechange as normal and use textdrawshowforplayer and textdrawhideforplayer to show/hide the textdraws. By the way give me rep+ if you want, look at my reput...
How the hell you 've got 10 rep points while not being able to write a 3 lines code to get a parachute??
HurtLocker says all you need to know. Do that and you will find the problem with your script.