Search Results
I am looking for a scripter for HoboLife[RPG], the server is up and running but it does not have it's main features. Payment will be discussed.
Post your messenger email below, or send it to me via P...
Please help me, what I want to do is make it so that it sends the player a message and lets him know when he finds crack, pot and pizza.
Below is how it is right now, you wont be notified if you find...
Any light/heavy roleplay server out there, that's looking for a professional active and dedicated player to lead a LEGAL faction? Well then send me a PM.
You guys should be counting how many pigeons/birds got pwned to. I bet it will be fun.
How do I add a message to a case?
For example, on the give player pot, give player pizza, and give player crack. I want them to get a message saying "You got a pot, you got a crack." etc.
Originally Posted by DarkPhoenix
I can script for you I think, what do you want?
Alright, like I said we speak through PM so I'll contact you in a second.
I know what's easy and what is hard, and the pay will be different depending on how hard what you scripted was.
Well, my scripting basically sucks very bad, I ask a question on the forums and people are just telling me stuff like "u gotta make a loop" but I don't know what any of this is. So I've finally decide...
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
You can easily change it to the one you like by using the IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint function with a loop for all players.
What's that.
They never reply in the script request topic, and this /me you gave me everyone see's it. I asked for a /me where only people around you see it.
Can someone give me a /me command, also I'm willing to pay 1 USD over paypal if anyone can make me a /beg [ID] [Amount] command.
Player 1 : /beg 3 5
player 2 : /acceptbeg
Then player 1 gets 5 dollar...
Where can I learn to use timers?
Alright thanks, where can I learn to use timers I searched "timers" in the search thingy on the wiki but nothing just random stuff with weird titles.
I want to make my own stuff, what I want isn't there that's the problem.
I want to make my own fishing system, they wont teach me how to do that. They will just teach me how to make a administrator sy...
Every guide I see, it's all confusing they said words that I don't even understand but my English is perfect only when it comes to coding.
I want to start my own RPG server some day, so that's why I'm...
Originally Posted by VonLeeuwen
I'm sure people will ask money to script for you.
Why would they do that? I mean we are just scripters trying to create a server together. They ar...