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You should get the current weapon id, store that somewhere in a variable and use the function above dynamically.
Honestly, I find this a old method to create a table. Might be my opinion but I recommend to create a new table in PHPMyAdmin.
Quote: Originally Posted by hsn786 @Kingunit , I aimed to keep it simple! If you aimed to keep it simple you have accomplished your goal ... hahaha.
@ Sinner Thanks a lot, I need to use the laptop for the same stuff you do. (programming | webdesign | photoshop | gaming). I believe that programming and photoshop are running perfectly. How do you e...
Hi, I'm looking for a decent high- end laptop. Since I'm about to follow a IT study I want to get rid of my old laptop. Unfortunately my knowledge about the latest hardware is zero. Due the fact that...
I find it too simple. Rated out of 10 I'll give you 6 points.
State the exact problem instead of 'not working'. I can't solve anything with your answer.
Download link updated in the original post!
I dislike Java, and it won't keep new scripters away. They will download java gamemodes and edit it a bit.
Mind telling us your solution.
Well, I don't have to know the solution, I could do it by myself but posting here might help other people.
You found out but you refuse to share your solution? Greedy bastard, you could help other new people with your solution. Don't expect help from my side anymore.
enum -> store in MySQL database at onplayerdisconnect -> add weapons at onplayerconnect Logic? And now, we are not your slave that we are going to script for you. Start with a little by yoursel...
Elaborate properly. After seeing that film I still don't understand it. I just see some police vehicle driving around.
Elaborate, I don't understand a fuck of what you are saying.
You guys put the "Admins online:" inside the loop. Place it outside the loop and it won't repeat.
Give us the errors, I'm not going to open programs because you are to lazy.
Learn to use ****** for these things.