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Try Adding: pawn Code: #include <streamer>#include <YSI/y_iterate> At the top of file. Regards,
Quote: Activates widescreen/cutscene mode and disables player HUD (also player can't go to main menu). If player plays with 16:9 (1080p, 720p) aspect ratio then this doesn't add black bars...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kar So this is why my ammo sync system loses synch of ammo. You are totally right! This needs to be addressed in 0.3.7! I'm having the same problem. So shou...
Can you show the function: SendClientMessageEx. The SendClientMessage function have a playerid parameter which can be used to send message to specific player. You can put giveplayeid there to send me...
still haven't got it. pawn Код: new Test;test += 1; //Will increase test by 1 pawn Код: new Test[MAX_PLAYERS];test[playerid] += 1; //Will increase test by 1 for the playerid But Player Text...
Quote: Originally Posted by fuckingcruse the 2nd one saves it like enums ... like when you use if(TextdrawName[playerid]) that time this comes in use new PlayerText:TextdrawName[MAX_PLAY...
Hello, I just created some player textdraws and variables look like: pawn Код: new PlayerText:TextdrawName; I just checked the wiki and it have variables like: pawn Код: new PlayerText:Textdr...
How to make a dialog with names of models under them? Can you provide an example?
OnPlayerWeaponShot callback is not called when we fire 2 hand weapons standing like this: Also tried to see the animation but it is COLT42 colt42_fire (same animation as normal aim and fire with 2 h...
Hey, OnplayerWeaponShot is not getting called when I fire 2 hand weapons standing like this: Tried to see the animation but no, it is same like fire animation. Any other way to call it or to see if ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kaperstone you mean on the right side of the screen ? if so, then 800 - the width of the box Don't know what are you talking about. The box size does not cha...
Still need help. Or there is no way to use a box with right alignment?
Hello, I tried almost everything to use a box with right alignment but it doesn't comes inside the screen, just stays to the left side of the screen. I want to know if anyone got a working solution. I...
Quote: Originally Posted by R0 I have got an idea to do it,if you need it reply. Yes, I need it. That's why I started this thread :/
Hello, I am creating a textdraw of weapon ammo but I want it to show me ammo in "currently loaded - left" format. For example: if I have a combat shotgun with 8 ammo, I want to show 7 - 1. Please give...
Place it under OnPlayerConnect. pawn Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    //here    return 1;}
TextDrawTextSize(Textid, 31.333339, 0.000000); Change the 0.000000 to a higher value depending on the size of textdraw.
Scripting For Money Hello, I am offering my services as a scripter at a very low cost. I can script anything (TDM/DM/RP/STUNT gamemode, any filterscript, etc) for you. A list of my released works can ...
Quote: Originally Posted by fuckingcruse Dude and where is the number 477? Sorry just forgot that. pawn Код: CMD:sms(playerid, params[]){    new Number, Message[10];    if(ssca...