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That's the same value You can use %X.Yf where X is the number of places before the dot, while Y is the places after it 0.1 becomes 0.100 with ℅01.03f 0.1738838 becomes 0.2 with ℅01.01f And so on
Better to use a switch function here, rather than an array pawn Код: switch ( random ( 5 ) ){    case 0: TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid , TextDraw1 );    case 1: TextDrawShowForPlayer ( pla...
You need to replace pawn Code: OnPlayerCommandText() With pawn Code: OnPlayerCommandText ( playerid , cmdtext [ ] ) That should solve most of your problems. For the ones which say they must be i...
If it wouldn't work with the objects in the game mode but it does when they're in the filter script, you aren't solving the problem, just patching it temporarily. It's almost bound to happen again, I'...
If you want to read it in the chat log, you'll need to format the string again without the colour brackets, and print ( ) it
As Vince said; using braces makes this a lot easier to follow and add more functions to pawn Код: case 11:{    SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "/oskin, /oc, /gc, /jail, /unjail, /fin...
155 No need to make a thread for finding a single object ID. Everything you will need is in here (towards the bottom)
Vehicles aren't fully streamed (existing) a player enters them. The only way to make them drop is by putting a player in them, im afraid
Is the NPC disconnecting from your server? If so, you might need to bypass any login scripts you have Use the following at the top of OnPlayerConnect, OnPlayerSpawn (after putting the NPC in a vehicl...
I've created a few custom buildings in my gamemode and I've created an override of sorts as below: pawn Код: GetZFromXY ( Float: X , Float: Y , & Float: Z ){    MapAndreas_GetZ_From2DCoord ...
Hmm, ive seen this before... In your other topic, on the same damn page
- Registration - Draco Blues system - Leveling - Fairly easy to make if you search - Housing - Bit more difficult but should be able to make it. Use MIC for reference - Business - Same as above
You could also download a released admin script and read over it for reference to understand it better
The killer probably has the best idea. Teleport the player above one of the objects
Test them all and see which works best
Try another alarm sound id if there is one?