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Its called a fart : ) I can speak Dutch, English, France (little bit), Deutsch, Spanish. Programing languages: php,, javascript, c#, vb, pawn
pawn Код: format(String, sizeof(String), "%.0f", hp); If im right this will do it aswell
Ik vond het een geweldig idee, eerste missie die je moet doen word gewoon The return of the pedo
Enige dat ik wel een beetje jammer vind is dat dit idee er niet aan toegevoegd is: Quote: Originally Posted by Henkie Welkom op de samp pedo server. Mede mogelijk gemaakt door de Nederland...
4,280 Logitech G35 Headset Logitech Marathon Mouse M705
Quote: Originally Posted by Jochemd LOL @ Sellizeґs comment
Boku no Pico is probably the best anime you can find on the web edit: oops was already posted ._.
действительно nu we toch bezig zijn
Quote: Originally Posted by bathushan 1. Your in non English section, please post in English section. 2. Your picture is not loading for me. 1. Youґre no comprendo englando
Thanks, fixed the problem. VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vID] isnt set as -1, whenever the vehicle doesnt exists.
The weird thing is, none of them are. Code: [14:12:26] i = 1, vehiclename = NRG-500 | i-vmodel = 122 | vmodel = 522 | VehicleInfo[1] [14:12:26] i = 2, vehiclename = NRG-500 | i-vmodel = 122 | vmodel...
I have a command, which shows all the vehicles with the id, ownername, vehiclename and model. Although, im getting an error but im not sure how to fix it. The command DOES work, it shows all the vehic...
pawn Код: enum adminLevelData{    cpv,    createtele,    deletetele,    skin,    pgoto,    bring}new AdminLevel[adminLevelData][] ={    { cpv,          5 },    { createtele, ...
I would swear there was a different way to do this by not using defines, can't remember that way though. I guess i will use this for now, and maybe a next poster will know the right way
Yeah i knew that already. But i want to assign a number to a variable inside the array.
Oh yeah, mb; anyways. Is it possible to do it with a normal array?
Is it possible to create a 2d array, with the following: pawn Код: new var[] = {    var1 = 3,    var2 = 5}; I want to use it like if( ### == var[var1] ) { } ~Wesley
Ive just tried a few things, again. And I might know what is going wrong. The code im using right now is: pawn Код: forward OnVehicleLoad( vehicleID );public OnVehicleLoad( vehicleID ){    new...